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"Um, wow," Elliot spoke awkwardly, as he hesitantly looked away from Olivia's midsection.

"That is one way to describe it," Olivia sighed. 

"Is it mine or Keith's?" Elliot asked weakly. 

"I don't know, El," Olivia sighed with a shrug.


"I know what you are thinking. I'm disgusting and you don't want to be with me unless this baby is yours. Keith said the same thing, but I told him I didn't want to be with him either way," Olivia spoke. She didn't seem incredibly bothered by the fact Keith wasn't happy that she didn't know who the father of her baby was.

"That isn't what I'm thinking, Liv. I'm just shocked," Elliot admitted quietly. 

"Yeah, well, I was pretty shocked when I found out I was pregnant. I won't know who the father is until after the baby is born, so you can walk away right now if you'd like," Olivia sighed.

Elliot hated how willing Olivia was to be alone during the rest of her pregnancy. How she was going to just let things happen, and if the baby ended up being his or Keith's, they could decide if and how they wanted to be around for the baby.

"Do you know what you are having?" 

"Nope, because it doesn't matter either way to me. I didn't expect to have another baby, but I'll love him or her no matter what."

Elliot nodded slowly before stepping forward. He reached a hand out and gently caressed Olivia's swollen midsection.

"If it's my baby or not, I'll love them no matter what," Elliot breathed. Olivia's jaw dropped in shock.


"I love you, Olivia. The last six months were hell because I didn't know if you'd ever want to be with me again. Now that I'm back, I don't care what happens. All I want to do is to be with you, Jackson, Landon, Avery, and this baby. Even if they come out looking like Keith," Elliot smiled softly. Olivia closed her eyes tightly before stepping forward and clinging to Elliot.

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Do you love me too?" Elliot chuckled.

"Yeah, I love you too."


Serena came and picked up the boys to take them to the water park and ended up getting roped into taking Avery. The little girl was a little bummed that she couldn't spend the weekend with Jackson and Landon, so Serena offered to take her, too. That left Elliot and Olivia alone in her house.

Elliot sat on the sofa as he nursed a beer and flipped through a photo album that Olivia had brought down. Initially, she only showed him the anatomy scan, but then she got sentimental out of nowhere and grabbed all the pictures she had stored in her house. 

"The boys look a lot like you," Elliot spoke, as Olivia came out of the kitchen with a glass of water.

"El, that's my baby book," Olivia said with a nervous laugh.

"Oh, I didn't know that. It's not like I've seen you getting potty trained by your mother or anything," Elliot grinned. Olivia's face went red, and she quickly pulled the book from his hands.

"Pick any other album. I also have one that I was making when we were together, but it didn't make it to its intended person," Olivia sighed. Elliot shook his head and turned to look at her.

"No, I want to talk about you right now. How you have been feeling... how the boys took the news. Tell me everything," Elliot smiled. He reached out and splayed his hand across Olivia's stomach as she shifted closer to him.

"I'm feeling fine, El. I had a little morning sickness in the first eight weeks, then it fizzled out. The boys weren't happy or sad about getting another sibling," Olivia spoke, only answering what Elliot had asked specifically.

"What about Keith?" Elliot mused. Olivia's face fell, and she looked down to where Elliot's hand still laid against her belly.

"I haven't seen him in weeks. He doesn't come over to see the boys anymore, and told me he'd only come around once I know who fathered my baby," Olivia whispered.

"He's a piece of shit, Liv. That baby, whether or not it's his kid, doesn't deserve to be treated like shit by him. You and the boys don't either. So Liv, forget about him. I'll be around for the boys," Elliot smiled.

"You are going back in a few days, aren't you?"

"No, because my contract is up. I asked to be discharged and they are processing it. Once it's approved, I'll be here full time. Avery and I-"

"What about her mother? Elliot, you just can't take that baby away from her mother... It'll break Christine's heart," Olivia breathed.

"I'll bring her with me," Elliot replied.

"Let's not plan on you moving here," Olivia frowned. She climbed off the sofa and put a few stray stacks of pictures. One slipped onto the floor, and Elliot reached out and picked it up.

He looked at the love worn polaroid and smiled.

"This was our last night together before we broke up," Elliot spoke. The camera had been aimed carefully to not show off Olivia's bare chest.

"What?" Olivia whispered, as she brushed a tear from her cheek.

"This photo was taken not long after we made love for the last time before we broke up. Years have passed, but we still came back together... We still love each other," Elliot spoke.

"So? What does telling me this have to do with anything?" Olivia grumbled. She took the picture from Elliot and shoved it into one album.

"Distance and time have kept us apart before, but we are back together now. So even if I have to live in Virginia for a few more months, I will always come back to you. I will figure out a way to be here for you and the kids. I will be an amazing father to this baby, even if my blood doesn't run through its veins, okay?"

Olivia swallowed hard before nodding slowly. She moved to where Elliot sat before sinking down onto his lap. She snaked an arm around his neck before leaning in and kissing him deeply.

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