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Olivia wanted to see Elliot beat the crap out of Keith, but she knew if he did that, Keith would press charges. Olivia took a shaky step forward and rested a hand against Elliot's shoulder.

"Please let him go," she spoke, her words barely audible.


"He's a dick, and I know that. He's just angry that he can't control me anymore. Please, El. Let him go," Olivia breathed. Elliot looked over at Olivia as he continued to keep Keith pinned against the wall. When Elliot looked at Olivia, he noticed she wasn't angry with him. She was giving him a slight smile, and her eyes were filled with sadness.

"Liv, he called you names no woman should ever be called," Elliot replied.

"I know, and I'll deal with him. I want you to go back to your parents' house and see your daughter," Olivia spoke. Elliot hesitated before letting Keith go. He stepped back and turned to glare at Keith.

"If I find out you called her names again, I will kick your scrawny ass. Don't underestimate me, buddy," Elliot spat. He gave Keith another shove, before turning and walked back to his car.

Olivia turned to look at her ex-husband and sighed.

"It's the weekend. You don't have to be here to get the boys on the bus while I head to work," Olivia spoke, deciding to not address what had been said about her.

"Ya know, I came here to fuck you. I thought you may have changed your mind, but clearly you are onto your next man. You are a fucking dirty whore," Keith spat, as he got into Olivia's face. She didn't flinch as she locked eyes with him.

"You are too, buddy. Now, step back before I make sure you never impregnant another poor woman," Olivia hissed.

"Oh really? I'm a firefighter, babe! I can kick ass, especial-" Keith stopped short and groaned deeply as he dropped to his knees. He held onto his privates as Olivia looked at him and smiled.

"Don't threaten me again, Keith. I think you underestimate how strong I actually am. Now, get up and go away."


Elliot got home and took a shower before heading downstairs to make breakfast for his daughter. When he reached the kitchen, Avery was already standing on her stool by the counter and helped mix the batter for pancakes. Joseph stood by the stove and fried up some bacon while Bernie helped her granddaughter. 

"Wow, it smells great in here," Elliot smiled. He had calmed down in the shower, and now he was ready to enjoy a few hours with his parents and daughter before going back to see Olivia.

"Daddy, I'm making pancakes! Gran said I can even cook them too!" Avery exclaimed. Elliot walked over and kissed her hair before smiling.

"I bet these pancakes are going to be the best ones I have ever had," He spoke.

"They will be," the little girl grinned. Elliot laughed softly before moving to the coffeepot. He poured himself a mug before walking over and leaning against the counter.

"So, how was your night?" Bernie asked as she glanced at her son. Elliot looked at her and sighed.

"It was pretty good. We talked a lot," Elliot spoke, but his mother knew otherwise. She narrowed her eyes at him, and he blushed. The moment he reacted, she knew a lot more than talking happened.

"Did you meet her sons?" Joseph asked, since he hadn't noticed his son's reaction.

"No, not yet. Tonight is the night. Avery and I are going over there for dinner," Elliot replied.

"Where?" Avery questioned.

"I have a friend named Olivia. We are going to her house to have dinner and you can play with her little boys," Elliot smiled, but Avery didn't seem as excited as he was.


"Yes, Jackson and Landon. Jackson is five and Landon is three. They are younger than you, but-"

"And they are boys, Daddy. I don't like boys," Avery huffed. She went back to whisking the batter, and Elliot frowned.

Maybe tonight wouldn't be as fun as he wanted it to be.


Elliot and Avery were right on time. Avery still wasn't excited, but she went along without complaining. Elliot and Avery walked up the path and rang the doorbell. It took a moment, and Olivia finally reached the door. She looked at Elliot and let out a sigh of relief.

"I'm so glad you two are here. Landon and Jackson are claiming that they are going to die from starvation at any second," Olivia said, as she ran a hand over her neck.

"Good thing you ordered lots of food," Elliot smiled. He looked down at Avery as Olivia's son whined somewhere in the house behind him.

"You must be the famous Avery," Olivia spoke softly, as she squatted down to Avery's height.


"It's so nice to meet you, sweetie. I'm Olivia, and your Daddy just adores you. I think you and I will get along well," Olivia smiled.

"Maybe," Avery replied shyly, as she hid behind her father's legs. Olivia stood and gave Elliot a nervous look.

"Let's go eat before your sons waste away."


Dinner was eaten in almost silence. Olivia and Elliot kept glancing at each other, since the first time their kids met wasn't going well. Avery didn't want to even be near Jackson or Landon, and she almost acted like they had cooties.

Once dinner was done, Elliot and Olivia cleared the table before ushering the kids outside. Olivia had a jungle gym out back with swings, a slide, and monkey bars. The boys ran straight to the swings, while Avery hesitantly wandered to the slide. 

"This is not going well," Olivia sighed.

"It's the first time they've met, Liv. Avery is going through her 'boys are nasty' phase, but things will get better. I promise," Elliot spoke, as he placed a hand on Olivia's lower back. She turned to look at him and sighed.

"When do you have to go home?"

"Tomorrow afternoon. Why?"

"I want to meet up again and see if things are better tomorrow. The last thing I want is for our relationship to not even get off the ground because our kids hate each other," Olivia sighed. They turned to watch the kids, and Avery cried out when she went down the slide and ended up in a mud puddle at the bottom.

"Daddy!" Avery sobbed, and Elliot frowned. He walked towards her, but stopped when, out of nowhere, Jackson ran to her.

"Are you okay?" He asked with wide eyes.

"I have mud on my sneakers!" She whimpered.

"It's okay! Here, use my jacket to clean them up!" He beamed, before quickly going to take his new jacket off. Olivia was going to intervene but knew that the jacket could be washed, but this moment couldn't be ruined.

Not if it meant she and Elliot could move from friends to something much more.

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