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Olivia squeezed Elliot's hand as tightly as she could, yet no matter how hard she squeezed, the pain didn't fade. She had her face buried in her pillow as Elliot caressed her sweat soaked hair.

"You are doing great, baby. Keep breathing," Elliot encouraged quietly.

"He can live, but what kind of life? Thirty weeks is too early for our baby," Olivia whimpered as she looked up at Elliot. He was trying to keep a straight face, but it was hard when the woman he loved was in pain. The child they may or may not have created together was in danger.

"I know this is scary, but thirty weeks is a good start for our baby. If he requires a NICU stay, then I'll be right by his side the entire time. He will know that his mama and daddy adore him," Elliot breathed. Olivia groaned deeply as a nurse entered the room.

"How close are her contractions?" She whispered to Elliot.

"Fifteen minutes or so," He replied.

"I'm going to get the doctor. While we are waiting, I want her on her back. We are going to elevate the bed and see if that position works," She spoke.

"Being titled back may help?"

"We are trying anything."


Olivia's medicine was increased, and she received medicine to help get some rest. Elliot sat beside her, caressing her hair as he talked on the phone with Serena.

"How is she?" Serena asked quietly.

"She's sleeping right now, but she's still in labor. The contractions seem to be getting further apart," Elliot replied.

"Do you want to trade out? You can come home and be with the boys, then I can head up to the hospital and be with our girl," Serena offered.

"I'm worried that since we won't be overlapping our time with her, something will happen while we are gone. Her water may break or the baby may go into distress," Elliot breathed. 

Serena didn't respond as they both just sat in their thoughts. 

"She's lucky to have you, Elliot. Keith never supported her as much as you support her. The last thing he wanted to do was be there when she was in the hospital, and once the baby was born, he was sleeping on the couch or home in bed."

Elliot frowned, his hatred for Keith growing even stronger. He couldn't believe that Olivia settled for a man that didn't treat her how she deserved to be treated.

"I'd really like to marry your daughter and treat her the way she's deserves to be treated. I will raise those boys to be great men, and our baby will never feel unwanted," Elliot replied. 

"I give you my blessing, kid. She needs someone like you."

Elliot went to respond, but another call came in. He pulled his phone away and breathed slowly when he saw a FaceTime request from Christine's phone.

"Elliot?" Serena mused.

"My ex is calling. I'll keep you updated on our girl."


Elliot stepped out into the hall so he wouldn't wake up Olivia. He walked down the hall to the waiting room, passing Olivia's nurse in the process.

"Hey?" Elliot asked once he answered the call. Avery's face filled his screen, her blue eyes bright as a smile graced her face.


"Hey, baby. Are you being good for Mommy?" Elliot asked. Avery nodded, as she held the phone away from her face and smiled at her father.

"Yes, sir. But I want to be with you! When can I see you?" She questioned.

"I am planning on Sunday, but something came up. It might be a little longer."

"What came up?" Avery asked, concern filling her eyes.

"Liv is in labor, pumpkin. It's too early for the baby to come, so we are at the hospital right now."

"Oh no, Daddy!" Avery cried, tears welling in her eyes.

"It's okay, baby. The doctor and nurses are taking wonderful care of her," Elliot replied.

"Daddy, that's our baby! What if something happens to it?" Avery whimpered. Elliot could hear Christine ask what was wrong, before Avery turned to her mother and explained what was happening to the best of her ability.

"Is she really in labor?" Christine asked once she got ahold of the phone. Elliot frowned and nodded.

"She's in so much pain, and I'm worried that things will shift and she'll end up giving birth soon," Elliot breathed. Even if Christine wanted to be angry at him after their argument earlier, but she could see that he was in pain and struggling.

"Text me Olivia's address. I'll bring Avery to town and we can be there to support you... and Olivia. Okay?"


"Our little girl is crying over her baby brother or sister being sick. She needs to be there just as much as you need her. We love you, Elliot."

"I love you guys too, Chris... Thanks."


By ten the next morning, Olivia's contractions had stopped, and she wasn't dilating anymore. The doctor had discussed stitching Olivia's cervix to prevent any more dilation, but they decided against it at the moment. 

"Are you ready to go home?" Elliot asked, as he brushed out Olivia's hair. It was noon now, and she got the all clear to go home, but was going to be forced to do bed rest until closer to her due date.

"Yeah," Olivia replied quietly. She sat facing the window her hand caressing her swollen belly.


"I'm scared that something else is going to happen... If I lose our baby, there is nothing keeping you around. I can't lose you again," Olivia frowned. 

Elliot sat the brush down before reaching out and gently taking Olivia's chin between his fingers. He turned her head to face him, before leaning down and placing a soft kiss to her lips. 

"I'm yours, Liv. You aren't getting rid of me ever again. I plan on being your partner through everything, bad or good."

"Really?" Olivia breathed, and Elliot nodded.

"Really, Liv. I'm not fucking this up again, because being without you was the hardest part of my life," Elliot breathed. 

Olivia swallowed hard and grabbed Elliot's hand. She squeezed it before sighing softly.

"Can you take me home now? I really want to see my boys and..."

"And what?" Elliot asked.

"I'm not really prepared for this baby. So I need to start ordering some new clothes and set up the crib and-"

"I'll set up all the furniture, and you can order whatever your heart desires on my card," Elliot smiled.


"This is my kid and I should share in how expensive it is," Elliot grinned. He stood and drew Olivia to her feet before walking her to the wheel chair.

"I love you, El."

Elliot blushed, as an enormous smile grew on his lips.

"I love you too, Liv. I have a surprise at home for you, and I know you'll be excited about it."

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