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Elliot turned around from where he had been watching Avery sleep on Olivia's sofa. The boys were in bed after they finally got Avery to play with them. The three kids had sprinted around the backyard squealing and jumping over mud puddles for over an hour before passing out on the chairs on Olivia's back porch.

"Here," Olivia smiled, as she opened and then closed the sliding door. Elliot took the mug from Olivia before sitting back down at the table.

"So tonight turned out better than expected," Elliot spoke, before taking a long sip of his coffee.

"It's all because my son is a little gentleman," Olivia grinned. Elliot chuckled and nodded as he reached out and rested his hand against Olivia's thigh.

Olivia placed her hand on top of Elliot's and gave it a squeeze, then she stared out at the dimly lit yard.

"Do you think this can work?" She asked weakly.


"You are still enlisted and live in Virgina, and I'm here in New York City. Keith only has visitation and rare moments of custody, but I know he'd throw a fit if I ever move away. Then there is your ex and-"

"Liv, breathe," Elliot interrupted gently. He knew she was overthinking things that hadn't even been discussed yet. They weren't even together, but here they were discussing moving to be closer to one another and how custody agreements would work with their exes. 

Elliot knew he wanted to be Olivia, but he didn't want to ruin everything by moving too fast. They may have already had sex, but that doesn't mean they still can't slow things down to allow for the changes to come slowly as to not overwhelm those involved.

"I'm sorry, El. This is the first time in a while that I have had something good happen to me. I really thought that Avery would hate the boys no matter what happened, but she warmed up to them and they had a lot of fun. Maybe I'm just seeing things, but I thought it was a good sign. I'm sorry," Olivia rambled.

Olivia stood and quickly poured the rest of her coffee onto the ground before rushing inside. It took a moment for Elliot to realize what was happening. He jumped to his feet and rushed after Olivia. He ran up the stairs and grabbed her waist before she could lock herself in her bedroom.

"El, let me go," she whimpered as tears slipped down her flushed cheeks. She was so embarrassed about talking about things that she should have just hid. 

"Liv, we will make things work. I can always finish up my current contract and then move back here. Christine can come if she wants, or we can keep the current custody agreement and I'll drive Avery there when it's her time with her mother. But no matter what is decided, I am not letting you go again."

"Maybe it would be for the best," Olivia whispered, her voice shaking.

"I'm glad that Christine and I met and had Avery, but I know that making dumb decisions and losing you wasn't worth it. So please, just give me another chance. A chance to make things right and love you," Elliot breathed, before brushing Olivia's hair away from her neck. 

He kissed the exposed skin gently before turning Olivia around and hugging her tightly against his chest.

"I'm sorry," Olivia whimpered several times.

"There is nothing you have to apologize for. You've been fucked over several times and just found something you are looking forward to."


Elliot and Avery left early the next morning. The goodbyes were quiet and uneventful. Elliot and Olivia promised to discuss things at a later date, and they were going to do video calls once a week to catch up and make the distance easier on each other.

"Wow, those two were talkative this morning," Serena chuckled, as she joined her daughter in the kitchen after checking on the boys where they were playing with their blocks.

"They had a really good time last night," Olivia replied, as she finished drying off a few plates.

"They said something about an Avery. So, who is Avery?" Serena asked. She leaned against the counter and watched her daughter closely.

"Avery Stabler, Mom. As in Elliot's little girl," Olivia replied, as she tried to keep her cheeks from blushing. Just talking about Elliot made her feel happy and almost giddy.

"Hmm, so he was here? Does this belong to him?" Serena asked as she held up a watch. Olivia quickly snatch it from her mother and sighed.

"Yes, it's his. He took it off last night and forgot it... I'll have to ship it to him or-"

"Keep it safe for the next time he comes up," Serena grinned. Olivia rolled her eyes and shoved the watch into the pocket of her sweatshirt.

"Are you just gonna tease me all day?" Olivia huffed.

"Sweetie-" Serena started, but she stopped when Olivia's phone rang. Olivia quickly stepped away and found her phone on the kitchen table.

She smiled when she saw Elliot's name, before stepping from the kitchen and into the living room.

"Hey, El," Olivia breathed.


"El, is everything okay?" Olivia asked worriedly. 

"Um, no... I got a call from one of my bosses... Liv-"

"Are you getting deployed?" Olivia asked, her voice cracking.

Elliot went silent. Olivia had guessed what he didn't want to tell her. At this moment, their happiness faded away, and Olivia didn't know what else to say. Elliot didn't either.

"I didn't expect this, Liv. All I knew was that a group was leaving soon, but I didn't think I'd be on the list. Olivia-"

"So I guess we are getting pushed off again."


"It's okay, El. Your job comes first... I guess I'll just have to wait to have you finally be mine," Olivia whispered. She hung up on Elliot and turned to see her mother standing in the doorway to the kitchen.

"Is everything okay?"

"This has all been too good to be true, Mom. He's getting deployed and who says he'll come back to me once he's back in the states."

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