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THIS STUPID MEETING IS PISSING ME OFF! They're basically just saying I'm incompetent and I can't work by myself.

"No we're not saying that you are irresponsible, we're suggesting that you work in Snezhnaya for the time being," Columbina said.

I stared at her and raised my eyebrow.

"We will be partnering you up with H/n (Harbinger name) and I expect you two to get along very well." Pierro glared at me.

"H/n?! You know I'm afraid of her!" I exclaimed.

A woman walked into the room, the eyes of others trailing her body.

She sat down close next to me, giving me a simple glance before entering the conversation.

"Perfect timing H/n, this will be your temporary partner." Pierro smiled at her.

She stared at Pierro with confusion clear on her face and looked at Dottore, asking for answers with her facial expressions.

"I am not able to work with you at this time, Scaramouche is the second best option," Dottore smirked.

"I hope there's no trouble with you two, I can only change partners a year from now." Pierro got up and the others left the room.

"H/n is it..." I tried to start a conversation.

"Y/n." she simply said

"Y/n then...what do we have to do...?" I asked her.

"You sit in my office with me until we have an assignment." she stood up and expected me to follow her.

I took a while to catch on and ran after her as she walked to the door, leading me to her office.

"Aren't we after a gnosis?" I asked her.

She started at me and almost burst out laughing at my question.

"No, I am seated here since I'm a high rank and will only be sent out on important occasions." she closed her eyes and crossed her arms.

"But Dottore was in Sumeru?" I questioned her.

She stared at me, colour appearing on her face.

"Their Archon is incredibly smart, they need someone as smart as Dottore to outsmart her," she explained.

She opened the door to her office and I was stunned.

"How were you blessed with such a nice office?! Who did you sleep with to get this?" I asked her.

A bright blush covered her cheeks but she remained still.

"Why should I have to sleep with others to get privileges?" she raised her eyebrow.

"I don't know...most women do that I guess." I shrugged.

"How insensitive of you, I've worked incredibly hard to achieve the position that I am currently standing in." she sat down and shook her head.

"Calm down...I didn't mean to rattle your bones." I rolled my eyes.

There was silence for a while as she sighed papers.

"I don't need you today, this was just the introduction." she lifted her head to face me.

"So you're kicking me out?" I laughed at her.

She checked her watch and nodded.

"I need you out in the next five minutes, I have a...meeting," she said.

"Okay, then Y/n...I'll see you tomorrow then, what time?" I asked her as I stood up.

"Come in whenever, I'll call you personally if I really need you," she said in a monotone voice.

"I'll come in the morning, goodnight Miss Y/n~" I smirked as I left the room.

As I walked downstairs I stared at the door of her office and saw a familiar face walk into her office proudly.



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