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I'M SAT IN Y/N'S OFFICE WITH A SOUR FACE, why? Childe almost ripped my limbs apart when I told him that I threatened Dottore.

With red marks and scratches all over my body, it looks like I had sex with the man for fucks sake!

Most of these will definitely bruise however I didn't dare fight back, I lied about that statement though.

I defended myself, but I didn't hit back.

Y/n is staring at me from across the room, an eyebrow raised as she analysed the shape I was in.

"Did you have rough sex or something?" she chuckled drily.

"No, Childe gave me a backhand."

"Lies upon lies, you definitely had a fight..." she sat up and approached me.

I put my feet on her table and she gave me a look of disgust as I disrespected her space.

She knelt down next to make and stared deeply into my eyes.

My expression lowered as I tried to find any form of empathy in her eyes, but yet to no avail I've failed once more.

"You don't seek love, you need lust and passion, but I'll never give you either." she glared at me and stayed put.

Appalled by her words I sat there, tear-struck and slightly violated.

I was read on another level, easier than having to read a book dedicated to the youth.

I stared at her intently, not daring to even blink.

"And you seek affection from a man who will never give it to you," I smirked at her.

I watched her cold expression unravel into utter shock but it wasn't even visible.

"What makes you think this?" she gave me a dirty look.

"Dottore will never love you, you're pointless sex to him." I smiled and stood up, exiting the room and leaving her knelt down in front of the couch, simply staring at the wall in despair.

I walked out of that office feeling relief and even a sense of power.

I basically just walked my boss like a dog!

While walking past Dottore's office I saw that the door was opened and I waved at him devilishly.

I walked down to the gardens and was met with Pantalone who was smoking once more.

"You seem awfully jolly, even after you just received the beating of your life." he raised an eyebrow at me.

"I left Y/n flabbergasted, I don't think she'll recover from this one." I put my hand out, motioning for him to give me a cigarette of my own.

He groaned and gave in, handing me a lighter too.

"So what did you do?" he asked me as I blew out smoke, slightly coughing and waving it away.

"She read me like a book, so I told her the contents of hers without batting an eye," I smirked as I watched the cigarette slowly burn.

"What did you tell her?" he laughed.

"That she's basically just meaningless sex and will never get the affection of Dottore." I took another pull.

"You didn't need to traumatise her, calm down." Pantalone chuckled.

"Nobody was going to tell her the truth if I didn't." I glared at him and popped the cigarette.

We heard angry footsteps approach the door and we were met with a very irritated woman.



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