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I SADLY HAD TO GO TO MY ROOM TO GET READY, but my outfit looks nothing like it used to.

Before it had blue embellishments with white and black, but now it finally looks like it belongs to Y/n and me.

I proudly put this suit and coat on, and I spray my cologne, do my hair and leave my room looking the most decent I have in a while.

As I'm walking to Y/n's office I catch a glimpse of Childe and Dottore walking together.

I open the door to her office and I'm met with her, who is drop-dead gorgeous.

The outfit suited every feature, and she looked happy with herself.

I went up to her so I could get a better look.

She looked at me in the eyes and smiled.

"They came out well didn't they?" she was very proud of herself.

"They are amazing." I stroked her hair.

She leaned in for a kiss and I accepted.

She had her arms wrapped around my neck and her body pressed against mine.

"Are you ready?" I pulled away and asked her.

"I'm ready." she smiled and took my hand, leading me out of the office.

This isn't the Y/n I met.

This isn't (H/n), feared amongst many.

This is Y/n, my Y/n.

All the harbingers stood in the ballroom, waiting for the Tsarista to arrive.

Everyone wore their assigned outfits, and everyone looked different.

If Y/n and I had worn the original designs we could have looked out of place since we would have been completely matching with Dottore and Childe.

As Y/n and I stood together I saw Dottore giving us some dirty looks, but he mainly looked confused.

He walked up to us with Childe and he started a conversation.

"These weren't the original designs I approved?" he furrowed his eyebrows.

"We modified them to look more like us," she said.

"You can't just modify them Y/n, what made you think that was fine?" he got irritated.

"We didn't want to match with you and Childe, we wanted to look like an independent pair," I said.

"Y/n, you're coming to my office now," he demanded.

"No. I'm not coming to your office Dottore." she stood her ground.

Childe and I looked at each other worriedly.

"What? I asked you to come to my office Y/n."

"I said I'm not coming, the Tsarista will be here soon." she walked away, pulling me along.

We approached Pantalone and Signora on the other side of the ballroom to get away from Dottore and Childe.

We had a simple conversation until the doors to the ballroom opened up, presenting the Tsarista.

Everyone walked towards the doors and lined up on the edges to bow for the archon.

A vessel of beauty walked our floors, with her face covered by a mask.

The ballroom stood silent until she sat on her throne.

"Pierro, please come up to make your announcement."  one of her followers called out.



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