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I WALKED TO DOTTORE'S OFFICE, knowing very well what I'm getting myself into.

I opened the door and let myself in, sitting in his chair as he stared at me awkwardly from the corner of the room.

"What's needed of me now?" he enquired.

"I have a few questions to ask you." I crossed my arms.

"Go ahead," he smirked.

"You and Y/n sleeping together are ruining my work experience." I rolled my eyes.

I watch his over-confident smirk turn sour quickly as he furrowed his eyebrows and walked over to me.

"Who told you about my personal life." he leaned towards me.

"That doesn't matter, the whole palace knows by now because of how obvious it is." I laughed.

"Well then, keep talking." he straightened his back and walked away from me.

"The fact that she's only sleeping with you to get a higher rank is vile, disgusting even that you're allowing this." I rambled on.

"Aren't you quite the misogynist." he chuckled.

"I am not, she rejected me and it's because of you." I pointed at him.

"You blame me for not being liked by your boss? How low can you stoop." he glared at me.

"Dottore keep my word for what I'm about to say, if you fuck up my life one more time, I'll let Pierro know about your little mistress." I left the room.

Dottore has done more bad to me to counteract the good that he claims to have done.

He's controlled me to the point where I almost died and didn't apologise for his wrongdoings.

He has a grip on everyone in this palace, everyone fears him and Y/n loves him weirdly enough.

I hear footsteps run towards me and I turn around to find Childe awfully shaken.

"What's up? Did you get rejected too?" I laughed.

"You pissed off Dottore so much I can't be in that room because of you!" he sweated.

"How could I piss him off?" I stared at him innocently.

"Why did you confront him about it? That wasn't part of the plan!" he punched his nose bridge.

"There wasn't a plan in the first place?" I furrowed my eyebrows.

"Just shut up, we need to go to Pantalone." he dragged me by the collar of my shirt.

I watched as Y/n walked out of her office and go to Dottore who looked more upset than usual, I guess Childe was right but I won't admit that.

Childe opened the office door and Signora sat next to Pantalone, fixing her hair.

"This absolute idiot confronted Dottore about the thing!" Childe threw me onto the floor and kicked me in between my legs.

"Ow! Childe you stupid fucking cunt!" I shouted at him as I got up and smacked him.

"They're in love." Signora snickered.

"Settle down, why would you tell him?" Pantalone asked me.

"Because he's the reason why I'm struggling to work with her!" I shouted at him.

"Scaramouche I told you to calm down, not to shout at me." he furrowed his eyebrows.

"How much of an idiot do you have to be!" Childe curled into a ball in the corner.

"I don't get why you're making such a big deal out of it." I sighed.

"Because now I have to work with him! And he knows we're-"

"Boyfriends?" Signora cut him off.

"Well as long as you didn't say anything else." Pantalone smiled.



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