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Y/N SAT NOT TOO FAR FROM ME, tapping the desk while talking to Signora.

She sighed, rolling her eyes as she whispered comments to Signora.

"Who is he?" she laughed quietly.

"Irrelevant to say the least." Signora chuckled and leaned back as I sat on the couch meters away from them, still able to hear their opinions worth nobody's time.

"I can't believe I have to work with him..." Y/n stared at her nails.

I listen to her remarks and drop my expression as I play with the tassels of my coat.

"Alrighty then, I have to leave now; goodbye and have fun you two." Signora blew a kiss and left the office, shutting the door behind her.

The silence was thick enough for me to cut through it with a knife made to slice meat.

I sighed loudly, leaning back on the couch as Y/n stared at me putting my shoes on her beautifully carved wooden coffee table.

"You know you speak quite loudly, especially when you're talking shit about the other person in the room." I laughed.

"Don't start with your nonsense, I'm not ready to deal with you." she scrunched her nose.

I stood up, slowly approached her desk, and leaned forward towards her, staring at her e/c eyes.

"Really now? You could go on for days about me if you wanted." I smirked while pulling a strand of her hair.

She backed away and stood up, fixing her clothes and fixing her hair.

"Let's go get something to eat," she muttered and left through the door, expecting me to follow her.

I did so and followed her like a dog, I mean I wouldn't say no to her.

She walked with power, every step she made echoed throughout the palace.

Dottore walked the opposite way that we were and caught eyes with Y/n, not noticing I was behind her.

He snaked his hand around her waist, leaning close to her face, and walked with her next to him.

My face scrunched up in disgust, that's supposed to be me!

At this point, she's forgotten that I'm quite literally behind her, and for such a private person like Y/n, this is totally against her morals.

She and Dottore kept walking but in the wrong direction, they are going back to his office.

I stand by the staircase, clueless and unable to think of anything else but her.

I hear footsteps approach me and I feel a man behind me, ready to frighten me.

"Childe you're very easy to hear, especially because you breathe so loudly." I turn around and push the ginger out of my way.

"Are you sour that your girl left you for the next best option?" Childe laughed at me.

"I wasn't an option in the first place." I rolled my eyes and put my hands in my pockets.

"Don't sulk, she's a sour bitch anyway." he patted my shoulder and smiled at me.



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