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I SAT ON MY BED, getting ready for the day.

I thought of the day ahead of me, maybe Y/n and I will do something today?

The fact that Childe got his hands on Y/n before I did still irks me.

However, I see no use in losing a friendship over a girl.


It would be worth it.

Anything would be worth it for Y/n.

But we move, I feel like my relationship- I mean friendship with Childe is far more important.

I hear a set of uneven knocks at my door and I answer it to see Childe leaning against the frame.

His shit-eating grin shouted paragraphs at me without even being open.

"What happened now?" I asked him as I struggled to put on my tie.

"Morning to you too sweetheart." he walked in and analysed my room.

"Morning dear." I laughed.

"There's a meeting today with the higher-ups," Childe mentioned.

"And when you say higher ups it's basically everyone but us?" I crossed my arms.

"Eh...more like Dottore, Y/n and the big guys." Childe tried to think back.

"What could they be talking about that's so important." I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know, but you should visit your boss lady before she goes, she might need you." Childe snickered.

"Yeah dude I get it, I'm leaving now." I groaned and slipped my shoes on, rushing out of my room with Childe following me.

I jogged to her office and swung the door open, alerting her.

She looked disturbed, and she was.

By me swinging the doors open, the fright I gave her managed to mess up her mascara as she applied it.

Now there's mascara on her eyelid and you can easily tell how angry she is getting.

"I'm sorry- I really didn't mean to give you a fright..."

"Scara-fucking-mouche." she shot daggers with her eyes.

"I'm sorry okay!" I defended myself.

Y/n groaned in frustration and scrambled to find a tissue to clean up the mess.

"I have a meeting in 10 minutes!" she shouted at me.

"It won't take you 10 minutes to do this!" I tried to aid the situation.

"Get- get out!" she pointed at the door.

"No! I own you." I laughed.

She raised her eyebrow at my remark and gave me a dirty look.

"Since when?"

"Do you want a reenactment?"


I sat down on the couch by her desk, watching her every move.

Y/n started walking towards the coat hanger by the door and I stood up, grabbing the coat for her.

She got the idea and faced her back towards me as I slipped the coat over her.

She turned back to face me and slightly smiled.

"Thank you Scara." She buttoned the collar of my shirt and lightly slid her hand down my chest and left through the door.

I was left feeling slightly starstruck and with an erection.

"What the fuck is this woman doing to me..."



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