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IT HAS BEEN A FEW MONTHS SINCE THE PARTNERSHIP CAMPAIGN, and since then, Y/n and I started seeing each other in private.

Our close friends, Childe, Signora and Pantalone are aware of our relationship, but otherwise, it's just us two.

It was rough, a rough way to start our relationship, but we have grown and learnt to understand each other more.

We still work together, and we are known as one of the continued successful partnerships within the harbingers.
That has earned us a lot of merit, and I love swimming in my pride because of it.

The fact that I got to successfully partner up with one of the hardest shells in the whole palace makes my ego huge.
Because nobody else can do the shit I do.
And I drive her absolutely crazy.
In a bad way.

Dottore got off my case, well I haven't seen him for a few months because he's off in some nation, and I couldn't care less.

If that idiot isn't around, it makes my life a bit easier, and the same goes for my girlfriend.

We have little sleepovers in my room, where we do girly things such as paint our nails and have pillow fights.

Other than all of that, Y/n truly is a nice person at heart.
She treats me right, and I love having a mommy.
Since mine left and all.

I sat outside smoking with Pantalone and Childe, a habit that never seemed to go away after the campaign.

Footers approached the colossal doors and they opened, revealing Y/n, who wasn't wearing her uniform, but instead something more romantic.
Maybe because we have a date to go on.

I sat up and threw my cigarette on the floor, stomping it while fixing my collared shirt.

Childe pulled out a bottle of perfume and sprayed it on me, giving me a manly kiss on the cheek before slapping my ass as I walked away.

"You ready to go?" she asked me with a smile on her face, and I looked around cautiously before kissing her quickly.

"Yes I'm ready, let's go." I took her hand and we walked towards the entrance of the palace in order to leave.

We had a date at a restaurant planned, and she looked stunning for it.

We left the palace and sat in a carriage since those are our modes of transport here.

"You look stunning today, trying to impress a certain someone?" I teased her and she rolled her eyes with a smile on her face.

"Yes, I'm trying to impress my boyfriend." she chuckled and I took her hand and kissed the dorsal side.

"I love you, Y/n." I leaned forward and kissed her.

"I love you too, Scara." she chuckled.


It only took me 535 days to finish writing this god-forsaken book that I never had the motivation to write.

I'm kidding guys, I love this book, I like the setting and the characters.

Justice for Scara and Childe in this story.
They deserve their own.

Thanks for reading!

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