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I RELUCTANTLY FOLLOWED THE WOMAN, and saying she was furious was an understatement.

She slammed the office door once I walked through it and pinned me against the wall next to it, her hand tightly wrapped around my neck.

"Who the fuck told you?" she shot daggers into my eyes with hers.

"Don't pull that on me, it's obvious as is." I grab her arm and pull her off me.

She started walking backwards towards her desk as I slowly approached her.

"You're a slut Y/n, you mean nothing to him." I grinned and watched her frustrated eyes become submissive.

Tears pricked the side, giving them a glossy look.

It was a great sight, seeing the inflicter become the inflicted by her own poison.

She held herself up with her hands behind her back, clenching onto her desk.

I took one of her arms, making her hand cup my face.

"Your secret is mine, however, if you treat me like scum once more I'll be delighted to tell everyone," I smirked and kissed her palm.

"I won't allow you to blackmail me Scaramouche..." she breathed out, giving me the glare of a lifetime.

"Fine, I'll tell them then." I smiled and gripped her wrist tightly.

"No! Please don't do this to me..." she pleaded, grabbing onto my shirt as she dug her head into my chest.

"You won't learn the lesson if I just let it slip off the hook." I frowned at her.

"I'll do anything! I promise you." she cried.

"Now this is a show, seeing my boss crumble in my grasp," I whisper loud enough for her to hear.

She clenched onto my shirt tighter, and with that I slid my free arm around her waist.

"Seeing you like this is all I want...I want to see you submit for me, I want you to become MY personal slut." I smirked and slowly walked backwards to the couch.

"Scaramouche that's wrong, I'm your superior." she looked up at me.

"And what you're doing with Dottore isn't?" I asked her.

"You don't get it!" she hit my chest with her fist.

"No...I do because you're not the first." I grinned widely.

"Excuse me?" Y/n looked confused.

"You're meaningless sex! You're worthless to him." I smiled as I watched tears roll down her face.

"It hurts, doesn't it? Watching them kiss someone that isn't you." I stroke her hair and pick up the tears hanging by her chin.

"How many women has he seen?" she asked me.

"More than five for sure, and he has treated each one of them like they're his girlfriends, so may I mention once more how you mean nothing to him?" I laughed as she didn't dare to let go of me.

"I still don't believe you," she told me.

"Do you want me to name them for you? And tell you how much better they are compared to you?" I asked her.

"No, absolutely not." she shook her head.



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