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"Have you finally fallen in love with me lover boy?" I teased him.

Childe gave me a look of disgust and just shook it off.

"No, I'm just bored and Dottore didn't give me an assignment," he said.

"Wait...Dottore is your partner?" I stared at him as if I had just witnessed a murder.

"I thought you knew this?" he laughed with confusion clear in his voice.

"No! I would rather be paired with you than miss sour tits." I rolled my eyes.

"Don't lie, you're so into it," he smirked at me and nudged my shoulder.

"I got my outfit sketch for next week and it looks like something Dottore would wear and the same for hers." I kissed my teeth.

"Well, he designed them? Plus we would probably all look like a team if we went there." he laughed.

"Well, it will look like we're matching." I sighed in relief.

"You love me so much you want to look like we are a pair." he planted a finger on my chin teasingly.

"I don't love you." I swatted his hand away.

"You wouldn't last a day here without me." he smiled.

While we were walking we came across a duo we dreaded to see.

Y/n and Signora walked past us and giggled at us as if we were something to judge.

Childe raised his eyebrow and called out to Y/n.

"Don't you have Dottore to see? I'm sure he's expecting you!" Childe taunted her.

I laughed loudly as Childe looked proud of his achievement.

"I really believe something is going on between those two," I smirked.

"Dottore always has her over, I don't doubt your suspicion." Childe pushed me.

I pushed him back until we arrived at my room and I opened the door for myself but he let himself in.

"Smells like cum in here dude." he deadpanned and had a disgusted expression on his face.

"I don't think any less of your room." I kicked off my shoes and jumped on my bed.

"Having some late-night thoughts of old Y/n aren't you?" he smirked.

"What do you expect? She can just be presenting herself like a treat and I can't have a taste." I complained.

"You'll get to have a piece of that cake soon, I'll see you tomorrow big man." Childe laughed as he left the room and shut the door.

"Oh fuck you, Childe!" I shouted loud enough for him to hear.

I get up from my bed and started cleaning the array of clothing scattered on the floor and got ready to sleep like a rock.

I changed out of my work clothes and crashed into my bed with just a pair of boxers, not bothering to shower just yet.

The thought of Y/n was trapped in my mind, everything she did aroused me and she looked straight out of a fantasy.



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