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I WANTED TO STOP HER, but I didn't have the power to do so.
So she left, following close behind him and leaving me feeling distraught.

Pantalone, Childe and Signora stared at me blankly and were worried for Y/n, who obviously didn't want to go.

Part of me wanted to go and burst through his office and be the Prince Charming to save Y/n.
However, that might result in me losing my job or my life.

But the other part of me wanted to go be a spy and listen in on their conversations.
And that part of me won; making me take my leave and carefully walk up to Dottore's office.

I reached the floor and slowly approached the door and stood beside it, trying to hear any words being said on the other side.

"What the fuck is wrong with you, Y/n? Why would you go ahead and do that."

"I don't want to be attached to you, I don't want to be dependent on your reputation and strength to establish my spot amongst the Harbingers."

"So what you go and do is fuck another harbinger?"

"I didn't fuck him! Get out of my business, Dottore."

"It is my business because your toy came to me and started threatening me about telling everyone your little secret."

"What little secret? Say it, Dottore."

"That you're- that you're fucking me to- to get a higher ranking."

"No. You're just using me like one of your many girls be for me. I just so happened to be a harbinger."

"Who told you that? One of your little pieces of shit that you all of a sudden are friends with? You're nothing without me!"

"Go fuck yourself, Dottore, find someone who's willing to listen to you. Because I am done with your shit." footsteps started approaching the door and I quickly made my escape and tried to make it as if I was walking to my room, which was conveniently on the same floor.

Y/n burst out of the door and spotted me walking towards my room and I could see the state she was in.

I ran towards her and held her up, guiding her to her office, which was opposite Dottore's.

I closed the office doors behind us and I sat her down on the couch, sitting in front of her and asking whether or not she was okay.

"I did it, Scara, I cut it off with him." she cried happy tears and I hugged her, telling her that I was proud of her for standing up for herself.

"Thank you for making me realise where I stood in his eyes...I would have never gotten out of that situation without you." she held my hand and made me face her, holding tense eye contact.

Our faces were close, our lips closer, and I closed that distance between us, kissing her softly.

I pulled away with a smile and looked at her again, she seemed happy with herself.


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