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THE EVENT IS TOMORROW, and my outfit just arrived in my room.

Childe and I put both of our outfits together side by side and we stood next to each other staring at the garments in shock.

"That fucker!" I shouted.

As I am throwing an absolute fit I fail to hear the knocking at my door and Childe answers it.

"Oh hello Y/n." he smiled at her.

I look back, immediately stop, and shamefully greet her.

"Hello Childe and Scaramouche." she stood in my doorway.

"I have received my outfit and I really do apologise for the design, I can see that you and Childe have already figured that." she looked very ashamed.

"I mean it's not that big of an issue, Scaramouche and I are friends so that just means that we are matching." Childe put his arm around me.

"No that's not the point though, I'm really sorry to Scaramouche, as he is my partner after all." she stared at the floor.

I stayed quiet and watched her.

"I'm not Dottore's partner, I'm yours and that should be known. So if you'd like me to modify our outfits in a bit please drop yours at my office and we can meet there." she smiled softly and bid her goodbyes.

She walked away and Childe slowly closed the door.

As the door closed he stared at me as if he had seen a ghost.

"She apologised?!" he shouted.

"And I get to meet her tonight in her office alone?!" I matched his tone.

I ran around my room and searched my closet for my best clothes.

"Scara calm down." Childe grabbed me.

"I need to try my best tonight." I had a determined look on my face.

"Scaramouche listen to me."

I stared at him as he held my shoulders.

"You need to be soft with her now, you can't fuck this up."

"Don't go in there for sex, go in there to win her over." he continued.

"The way to Y/n isn't by being harsh, it's by being soft and showing her love."

"Okay...okay I got this man." I hyped myself up.

"Go in there casual, but like handsome casual." Childe gave me tips.

"Okay, dude I got this." I ran around my room looking for some good clothes and my cologne.

I walked to Y/n's office with my outfit in hand.

I stared out the windows, it was dark, and the palace felt empty, as if Y/n and I were the only ones here.

I knocked on the door and let myself in to find Y/n at her desk adding small details to her outfit.

"Hi Y/n." I smiled and walked up to her.



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