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THE HARBINGERS SAT AROUND A TABLE, discussing future missions and complaining about their adventures.

I fiddled with the tassels on my jacket once again and lifted my head once I heard Y/n speak.

She began going on about the lack of work ethic within the harbingers and the members around the table agreed with her, except me though.

Dottore carried on with the point that she had previously made and Y/n sat back down next to me.

Childe and I watched as Y/n stared at Dottore with enthusiasm and we silently laughed at each other.

A while passed and Pierro demanded that we stood up for the next announcement.

"The Tsaritsa shall be visiting us a week from now and I expect your best behaviour, you must be dressed well and presentable, take this as an event if you must." Pierro crossed his arms and spoke proudly.

"Are you serious?" I whispered so that only Childe can hear me complain.

"They better be joking." he groaned.

"Meeting dismissed," Pierro announced and everyone started excusing themselves from their chairs.

Y/n walked away but waited for me at the door while Childe and I complained about the event that would be hosted soon.

"There's no way that I'm attending that." I laughed.

"We can't do anything about it, better suck it up." Childe kissed his teeth and smiled sourly.

"Are you two done with your remarks?" Y/n asked with a hint of irritation in her voice.

"Yes, we're done!" I skipped towards her and followed her out of the door.

Childe laughed at my actions and walked casually.

I followed Y/n and stared at her as she walked.

"Is there anything you need help with today?" I asked her.

She sat in thought for a bit and then had an idea.

"Yes, I actually do...you must come back with me." she led the way to her office.

We arrived at the large office and she walked over to her desk, sat down, and brought out a stack of papers from a chest of drawers.

I leaned against the desk and watched her motions carefully.

"I need you to sign this design off for the event next week." she pointed at the sketch.

I looked at the paper next to me and it was her outfit for the night.

They both looked awfully similar to Dottore's likings.

"I'm not going to match with Dottore Y/n." I looked up at her with a dropped expression.

"But you're not? You're my partner for this mission and we have to wear similar outfits." she raised her eyebrow.

"Obviously there's a third party in this partnership of yours, and it's either me or Dottore." I laughed.

"I- absolutely not." she fought back.

"Fine then, but if I see Dottore wearing anything relatively similar to me then I'll throw a fit and put on something else." I sighed and signed the stupid piece of paper.



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