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And are we ashamed of our wrongdoings? Absolutely not.

Why would I be ashamed of something I take pride in? For example, talking badly about Y/n and Signora.

Those two walk around this palace as if they own it, which if they slept their way to the top they would probably in fact own it.

I'm no misogynist, but it wouldn't take me long to convince you that these two women are witches.

They are evil, more than you'd want to think.

Childe sat next to me on the bench, counting money found in his pockets, and muttered the tally.

I crossed my arms and huffed, thinking about the sour girl that Y/n seems to be but in reality is quite two-faced.

I doubt she'd be so sour towards me once I get my hands on her and she'll be screaming with pleasure.

But that's just a thought, don't take my word for that.
I'm not a trustable guy.

I'm not the only one who wants a piece of her, almost every guy in this place has at least thought about her sexually.

Her body has features like no other, her face tells you more secrets than she ever will.
And she's powerful too...

A woman that I can peel layer by layer and still find more the deeper I go.

She can walk me like a dog for all I care, she can treat me like scum and I'd still oblige.

Childe got up and stretched, getting ready to go back to his room and sleep.

"It's getting late, you can see the sun setting." he pointed out.

"I'm thinking of a hot shower." I lied to him.

"Sounds good to me, I'll walk you to your room." Childe motioned for me to follow him.

"What are, a fresh high school couple who will walk each other to their classes?" I laughed at his offer.

"I can easily leave you know?" he stared down at me.

"I'd rather you don't, but okay." I rolled my eyes.

"That's what I thought." he put his hands in his pockets.

We go back upstairs and see Y/n coming out of the office with Dottore.

She stares at me and I wave her off, analysing the state she was in.

She gave me a slight wave and continued following Dottore downstairs.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Childe chuckled.

"Absolutely," I smirked.

We both stopped at my room and I bid my goodbyes before shutting the room door.

I crashed onto my bed, thinking about my day and the audacity Y/n has.

I slipped my coat off and started unbuttoning my shirt and unbuckling my belt.

I stared at myself in my bathroom mirror, admiring my features in pride.

I leaned against the wall in the shower as the water streamed down my back and my elbows, thinking of Y/n again.



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