Chapter 1

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Michael's POV

"Guys, can we have a break!" I yelled to the other guys and they nodded, setting down their instruments and throwing themselves down on my sofa, grabbing the controllers from my Xbox and starting to play FIFA.

"I don't know about you guys, but I am wrecked." Calum said, stretching out his arms and leaning fully back on the sofa as Ashton and Luke started to play a match on FIFA.

"Hey, do you guys want to call it a day, and we can order pizza and just hang out for the rest of the day?" I suggested and all of them nodded in agreement, with a looks of relief spreading across all of their faces.

I smiled, heading towards the door, to order the pizza when Luke spoke up, pausing the game.

"Hey, Mikey, since we aren't doing anything else tonight, could we call the girls?" He asked and I nodded, giving him a small smile and walking back up the stairs from the basement and walking into the hall, grabbing the phone and ordering pizza.

I had the pizza ordered, hung up and lay down on the sofa in the living room for a minute before I would go back down to the basement with the guys.

Annie, Grace and Daisy should be on their way round now. They were Calum's, Luke's and Ashton's girlfriends. I didn't mind having them round. They made the other boys happy and they were great company to have around, but I couldn't help feel but left out sometimes.

The rest of the boys have somebody and I just have... me.

"You okay?" I heard someone say and I jumped off the sofa as I saw Calum standing in the doorway, with his arms crossed.

"Yeah, Calum... I was just thinking." I said and Calum nodded and sat down on the arm of the sofa.

"Do you think the band will ever take off? Like posting covers and all is great, but do you think we will ever make it big?" Calum said, watching me and I gave him a smile, rubbing his shoulder.

"I'm sure we will, we will just keep trying." I said and Calum smiled and then the doorbell rang and Calum shot up and answered it, and his girlfriend, Annie, threw herself into his arms.

Grace and Daisy squeezed themselves past the two of them and the two of them gave me friendly smiles.

"Hey, Michael! Are Luke and Ashton down in the basement?" Grace asked me and I nodded and her and Daisy took off down the stairs. I watched Calum and Annie pull apart and Calum placed a kiss onto her forehead.

"Hiya, Mikey." Annie said and she giggled as Calum wrapped his arms around her waist and I smiled at her and her and Calum walked towards the basement when I heard the door knock again.

I raised my eyebrows and looked over at Calum and Annie.

"That couldn't be pizza already." Calum said and I walked towards the door and opened it, and to my surprise, it was my next door neighbour, Phoebe.

"Phoebe?" I said, in surprise and she gave me a small smile, and pulled her jacket around her tightly.

Phoebe and I never really hung out or have ever got to know eachother. Her parents are successful business representatives, so they are always out of town, so Phoebe is usually by herself at home. But her boyfriend is always over, so I have never gone over to make sure she is okay, because I'm sure she would be with her boyfriend there.

"Michael... hi." She said and I blinked.

"Hi..." I said and she licked her lips, tucking a piece of her hair behind her ear.

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