The World Disaster

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The smoke of burning bodies painted the sky gray, scaring off every animal in the area. A figure stood tall among the corpses and the smoke.

"You will pay for this; you will PAY for the suffering you have brought upon me and my guildmates. I swear this on my comrades, who were slain by your evil."

A single goat demon stood on top of the hill that looked over the previous lake of roses, grinning with a smile so wide that it seemed like that person was the incarnation of every evil deed in the universe. It was so obvious that he enjoyed the carnage he had caused.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA, BRING ME THE FOOL THAT SAID QUANTITY OVER QUALITY. I AM GOING TO SPIT ON HIS FACE AND MAKE HIM SEE THIS GLORIOUS ART I HAVE CREATED." Although he seemed to be the victor of the battle that occurred a few moments before, he was out of HP, out of MP, and losing blood at a rapid pace. But that didn't faze him. He swallowed the blood that filled his mouth and enjoyed the scenery.

He knew full well that if he didn't think of something soon, his greed would be what ended him. Ulbert Alain Odle looked over to the draconoid that survived the spell he came here for.

It seemed he wasn't as strong as he needed to be. He overstepped his line. The draconoid was a melee fighter, and if he managed to get close, there was no doubt he could finish Ulbert off. He looked into his arsenal; he was out of MP, so there weren't any useful spells he could cast to either stun him or kill him right away. He had a sword, but he only bought it because it looked cool on his character's back and fit the idea of a demon king.

He came here alone out of wanting to feed his ego, but now he understood something very clearly. "Momonga was right; I am simply too much of a glass cannon to fight any battle alone. My dumbass thought my damage was great enough to never need anyone's help, but now I see that I was mistaken. But it's already too late."... Escaping wasn't an option; he was simply too slow against a melee character that specialized in close combat. He would rather die than admit defeat and live; he was just that kind of person.


Ulbert remembered how it all led to this...



The Clan of Nines Own Goal was holding their usual meeting in their base. The topic was builds and what everyone needed to reach the full potential of the class they pursued.

Momonga: "Well, I'm honestly just focusing on the RP of it all. That's how I enjoy this game to its fullest."

Ulbert: "At least you are pursuing something that has character and not the every-story's prince charming that fights for his honor."

Ulbert grinned and looked at Touch Me, who looked amused at the shot he took at him.

Touch Me: "Oh yeah? And the Demon King is a very original idea, is it? Takes one to know one."

Ulbert: "Listen here, you little shit... Good one."

The table burst into laughter, and they continued their topic.

Ulbert: "Say, Touch Me, how did you gain your World Champion class? Who did you beat, how was the fight?"

Touch Me: "This may come as a surprise, but I didn't win my title in a duel. I actually won it at the original world tournament held by the GMs at the early stages of the game."

Silence fell upon the room, and everyone started looking at each other.

Ulbert: "Do you mean to say you won it that early, and you still hold the title? How the hell did you survive? There must have been so many players out for your head."

Touch Me: "Well, since I don't have all the time in the world to play this game, I'm only online to hang out with you guys since I've formed the clan. I come to the meetings and the raids. If someone wanted to get me, they'd have to fight a clan war for it, and I can proudly say my comrades are strong enough to strike fear into any foe that may desire my title."

Silence fell once more, with people looking at each other. But this time it was broken by laughter among the members.

Momonga: "HAHA, that was such a dramatic thing to say."

Ulbert: "And they call ME the chuunibyou."

The meeting continued with its usual pace; everyone was having fun, chatting, and arguing over matters. Momonga realized one particular person, who is usually one of the loudest members, was quiet and immobile.

Ulbert seemed to be deep in thought about something. He had a serious face and moved his face ever so slightly that it would seem like he was listening, but he was thinking about something—something that would change the clan, something that would surely lead to something catastrophic.

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