Punishment Of the Unruly Teenager

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In the solemn halls of Nazarick's throne room, a trio stood united in conversation. Demiurge, Ainz Ooal Gown, and a visibly distressed Alf Red were deep in discussion about a recent debacle.

"Is that all of it, Demiurge?" Ainz inquired with a tone that carried a mix of curiosity and disappointment.

"Yes, Ainz-sama. That is the situation we have at hand," Demiurge replied, his demeanour as composed as ever.

"Good grief... I honestly have no words for you, Alf. You're not the kind of person who'd act without thinking things through. You're 17 years old now; you should've known better."

"...I'm sorry, Ainz-sama."

The weight of those words bore heavily on Alf. It wasn't just a reprimand from a superior; it was a letdown to the one person he had vowed never to disappoint—Ainz-sama, the one who held the highest regard in his heart.

"We talked about this, Alf. All these years of education... Your fate has been decided."

"I accept any punishment that may come my way, Ainz-sama. If I'm going to keep disappointing you... then I'd rather you end me right here," Alf confessed, a heavy mixture of guilt and self-loathing evident in his words.

Ainz, however, drew closer to Alf, locking eyes with him. The room held a tense silence before Ainz's hand met Alf's cheek with a resounding SLAP. It wasn't a display of raw power, but the symbolic impact echoed through the room.

"NEVER. I don't say this lightly, NEVER ever speak of yourself as if you are expendable. I don't give a flying fuck about that kingdom; you are what I care about. YOU, my guardians, my maids, ALL OF YOU. You are my children. I don't act on this world because I wish to rule it for myself; I intend to conquer it, so I may give it to you, so that you may be happy. But it's bloody useless effort if you're going to value yourself that low. I may become disappointed with you, I may be angry with you, and you may annoy me with an action of yours... Hearing those from me should only make you more motivated to prove me wrong. You must take those words as a challenge, not a death sentence."

The emotional weight of Ainz's words brought tears to Alf's eyes. A realization dawned upon him—the deep connection he shared with Ainz and the importance of self-worth, even in the face of failure.

"Success is not final; failure is not fatal; it is the courage to continue that counts." A politician from the world I originate from once said this. It seems to fit the situation, Alf. I won't be giving you a death sentence; you will decide if this is a punishment or a second chance for you... I'm certain the Dragonic Kingdom is looking for its vanishing hero right about now. We will be conducting another Momon operation. This time it won't be in armour; it will be you, Alf. You will be strolling the streets of the Dragonic Kingdom, be its hero, and gain the trust of its people. Having Momon in the Re-Estize Kingdom helped the integration massively. Since you already planted the seeds, even if you didn't intend to, we have a hero we can use."

"An excellent move, my lord, making the best out of this rather unpleasant situation. Sasuga..." Demiurge added, his approval apparent in his words.

"Umu, the details of your hero are up to you, Alf. I'm giving you full creative control over the character you will create. You studied Momon and the moves I made to secure the trust of the people many times. You know what to do, you know how to act, and I believe the alone time this will grant you will help you immensely. You will return to the tomb once a week to report the status of your mission. The rest of your days will be spent in the kingdom; you will earn your own wage and pay for your own rent."

"Once a week... but, my lord, what of my training sessions with my senseis?"

"Your training will continue after the bulk of your mission is complete and the Dragonic Kingdom is under our rule. Until then, you can continue your training by yourself. You're allowed to ask for advice from anyone in the tomb through message. If you can convince them to meet, that is also allowed. You wanted a chance to prove yourself to your teachers, to your parents. This is a chance for it. If you know how to use it... Now go, get ready for your departure; you're leaving in 2 days."

As Ainz vanished from the room after delivering his instructions, Alf was left to grapple with a whirlwind of emotions—stress, fear, sadness, but also hope. The prospect of leaving the tomb for an extended period sounded daunting for someone whose life had been confined within its walls. Yet, amid the challenges, Alf sensed an opportunity for growth and redemption, a chance to carve a path that could lead to greatness.

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