The Other Side Of The Coin

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"Today was simple, yet splendid. You helped me in many ways I wouldn't be able to explain."

"Shhh, stop. Just relax and let your mother take care of you."

"I would love to, but I'm sure Narberal is going to put me through hell for making her do nothing for hours. I should be on my way."

"Narberal is scary."

"Any context behind that?"

"Nothing particular happened, but she has always been so cold, especially towards me. She started tolerating me after I turned into an imp... but still, she is scary."

"She is indeed scary. I will contact her and leave for the tomb. I don't want her fury upon me, to be honest with you."

"I would like you to stay longer, but I assume you have training in the morning."

"That would be correct, mother, and it's special training with Ainz-sama. I won't miss it for the world."

"Lord Ainz spends a lot of time with you; he must like your company."

"Well, we are closer than anyone would like to believe. At least that's what I think."

"[Message] I'm done here, where shall we meet?"

After a moment of silence, Narberal Gamma's voice filled Alf's ears.

"Just stay still." Alf cut the communication line and stepped aside, knowing what comes next.

In front of him, the fabric of reality seemed to be ripped apart, and from the cracks of reality, Narberal stepped into the room.


Alf looked at his mother and walked up to her, giving her a last hug. "See you soon, mother."

"You better make it soon, or I will be pissed." Alf smiled at his mother's remark.

"Good to see you, Narberal-san. Thank you for taking care of Alf."

"Just doing my job... likewise."

She moved towards Alf and cast [Teleportation].

They vanished from the room without delay.

"Ugh, I miss him already." Tuare once again looked at the window. Seeing the sun had set, she got up from the couch.

"Better get back to work."


It had been a week since Alf last visited his mother; today he would be doing it alone. As a part of his teleportation training, Alf was to teleport into E-rantel and return using the same method. He also would spend the day with his mother.

"Okay, I have everything I need. I will be casting the spell... no vomits, no vomits..."

"You'll be fine; you've developed your MP levels reasonably. You'll have no problem during transportation."

"That's all nice and all when you say it. But I don't see you leaving your breakfast on the pavement every time you teleport."


"Oh right, you can't eat." Alf smiled back at Ainz; they'd tease each other like this occasionally.

"Go on, you've been training for this."

"Fine, fine, I'm going."

[Dimensional move!] And just like that, Alf found himself at the doorstep of his mother.

"Okay, I'm getting the hang of this." He went inside and sat down immediately, breathing in heavily, doing his best not to throw up.

"Hi Kandis, mind calling my mother here for me?" The lady that sat at the counter gave him a positive shake of the head and told one of the helpers around to fetch Tuare.

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