The Hero Of The Dragonic Kingdom

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Polymith rushed through the corridors of the palace. Normally, he would walk through these halls with the utmost elegance, befitting his position. However, the situation demanded more than simple mannerisms, such as elegant walking.

Reaching the end of the corridor, he faced the door to the throne room. Passing by the guards he would usually salute and converse with, he pushed the door open with all his might, entering the room.

"YOUR MAJESTY, THERE IS AN EMERGENCY OF THE HIGHEST PRIORITY!" The white walls of the dragonic kingdom's throne room echoed his words. Upon entering, he saw Queen Draudillon sitting on her throne, observing the adventurers she typically hired to protect the country from becoming prey to the beastmen. All eyes turned towards him as he stood at the door, and without another moment's pause, the queen spoke up.

"Out, everyone out immediately." She issued her orders, and everyone, including the minister of coin, hastily left the room. After a moment of loud noises created by their departure, the room fell silent. Dead silent.

"Yes? Is there news from the siege?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. The emergency concerns the siege we've been trying to defend."

"We've won? You wouldn't be in such a condition if we lost... Actually, you wouldn't be in such a hurry, even if we won. What happened, Polymith?"

"The adventurers we hired from the Slane Theocracy—they've all been slain upon arrival. They didn't even stand a chance against them... But we've won."

"That doesn't make any sense to me. STOP WITH THE PAUSES AND EXPLAIN AT ONCE!"

"After the hired adventurers were slain, the beastmen were nearly climbing over the walls to capture the city. Our defences were defeated, causing complete destruction."

Draudillon was puzzled. He kept talking about how they were horribly defeated on the battlefield, but he also said they'd emerged victorious.

"A mage... No, a hero appeared on the battlefield, moments before our defeat was official. He singlehandedly defeated the army of 5,000 beastmen in a matter of minutes. Completely turned the tables."

"What the hell..." Upon hearing the news, she stopped concentrating on her appearance, and her true age revealed itself.

"I've received these news from a survivor of the battle. I myself found it hard to believe. But upon seeing it for myself, there were no other explanations. The magic that destroyed them, according to our mages, is of the divine level... At least Tier 8."

"These... These are wonderful news! Where is this hero you speak of?"

"Your Majesty, it does indeed sound wonderful, but wouldn't you think it's too wonderful to be true? This could very well be a ploy of the beastmen, to infiltrate our ranks and assassinate you directly."

"We are barely keeping this country afloat. The undead we buy from the Sorcerer Kingdom are only able to keep us from starving. And we keep hiring useless adventurers from those bastards to keep our diplomatic bond stable... WE are not in a position to take this charity with doubt. I do not care if he is the devil himself; I'd share my bed with him at this point. I will not let this country fall into ruin under my rule... And no, they don't have the intelligence required to cook such a scheme."

"I know we cannot refuse the charity, but the level of magic that's been detected is that of myths. I simply ask you to be cautious of the young hero."

"Young hero?"

"The report says they saw the figure of a young adult with red hair and a mask to cover his face. He simply appeared from thin air, wiping them out with two spells. And then he cast another spell to gather all the corpses in one place, teleporting them away with him afterward. That's the last we saw of him."

"A necromancer in need of corpses, perhaps? Would explain his youthful appearance and experience."

"That does sound plausible, Your Majesty, but the attacks he used were fire-based. I do not know of anyone in history who can both cast that high tier of a spell in one class and also pursue another to that degree."

"Has he contacted us in any way?"

"Not as of yet, Your Majesty."

"If he contacts us, me and me directly will be notified first. Is that clear, Advisor Polymith?"

"As you wish, Your Majesty. Let us hope this is the day our country is saved from the plague known as beastmen."

"The nightmare that haunted us for generations may finally end at last."

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