Melerith Vaiself And Her Vision Of Justice

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Dranox, situated on the fringes of the Dragonic Kingdom, bore the scars of countless beastmen assaults over the years. The city's history, marked by frequent rebuilds, had become a blurred tapestry of survival against relentless attacks. Its perilous location had kept even the queen herself from setting foot in this once-beautiful city, once thriving under the rule of the Brightness Dragon Lord but now reduced to a mere shadow of its former self.

The walls of Dranox were encased in a dense thicket of trees, a poignant testament to the struggles endured. Beneath the soil lay the remains of those who had become unwitting fertilizers, their sacrifice sustaining the roots that now criss-crossed the city.

Years of ceaseless conflict with the beastmen had instilled in the residents a perpetual state of alertness. The constant threat meant they lived with one foot out the door, ready to abandon their homes at a moment's notice, never affording the luxury of stability and prosperity.

However, a few months prior, winds of change had swept through Dranox. The city, teetering on the precipice of despair, now hinted at the possibility of a brighter future.

Alf Red had arrived, directly sent by the sorcerer king, Ainz Ooal Gown himself. 

Shoxe found himself as the solitary human privy to the intricate details of the unfolding events in Dranox. His encounter with Alf had been less than auspicious, rooted in an attempt to exploit the city's suffering populace. However, Alf's intervention disrupted Shoxe's machinations, putting an end to the exploitation.

Tonight, the city wasn't shrouded in the quiet stillness one might associate with the dead of night. Alf's calculated moves, his skeletal patrols, and the extensive intelligence network kept Dranox alive with a different kind of activity. Alf's influence had managed to pierce through the darkness, thwarting any attempt at criminal concealment. His ties with the city's weakened garrison ensured that no one could depart unnoticed.

To some, Alf's meticulous control might seem like paranoia, an overreaching desire for dominance. But the results spoke louder than any critique. Dranox, in a matter of months, had witnessed a transformation that had eluded it for decades.

Maybe he would not be carrying Erlik to his death if Alf Red hadn't come.

The burden of carrying Erlik, a man whose fate had been sealed by his own betrayals, rested on Shoxe's shoulders. In Alf's eyes, this was a necessary act, a move on the grand chessboard where sacrifices, even if human, were deemed acceptable for the greater goal.

The questions of what if—what if Erlik's betrayal had cost Alf his life, what if it eroded the trust of those who relied on him—were fleeting considerations in the mind of Shoxe. He was resolute, unburdened by guilt. In his conviction, Erlik deserved the fate that awaited him.

As Shoxe traversed the night-shrouded city, carrying the weight of a man marked for death, he walked a path defined by the choices he made and the loyalty he extended to Alf, the enigmatic force reshaping Dranox's destiny.

"Shoxe-san," Melerith, bearing the brunt of the burden, called out.

"Yes, Mel-san."

"What will happen to his daughters?"

"They'll be given a choice, either stay here, in your home, try to make a living, or be sent to the nearest functioning city's orphanage."

"So either way, their lives are ruined. What a way to ensure a city is prosperous."

"Mel-san... Their lives being ruined, how's that related to Rodolf-sama in any way?"

"It's his orders, it's his vision of justice, which is anything but just."

"Don't you believe a traitor should be punished accordingly?"

"Of course, I agree, one must be punished for their crimes."


"Which is exactly why this is unjust. Betray what? Betray who? The man was clearly scared for his life; he didn't do it out of greed or desire for power. The man was clearly scared for his and his children's safety! This doesn't warrant such absolute punishment."

"But we know for a fact that he leaked information. Rodolf-sama even warned every one of the consequences of betrayal many months ago."

"Rodolf deserved no loyalty from these men. What has he done for you that would warrant their loyalty? He hijacked your lives and forced you into servitude. If only he took after his parents more. Heartless bastard."

"Perhaps he did not recruit us through peaceful means, but he had to recruit us for the salvation of this city. Were his methods cruel? You could say that. Were his methods unorthodox? You could say that, but one thing should not be left out. Me, Erlik, and his kids would be dead if he did not defend us. Him requesting even a shred of loyalty should not be an issue."

"You can't hold it against someone if they're not feeling thankful for your help. That's not how helping works. You help those who are less fortunate than you because it's the right thing to do, not for its praise or glory."

"That is true... in small cases. If you wish to help a poor person in need, all you need is a loaf of bread, a few coins, and at most an hour of your time. You have to keep in mind, the magnitude of his attempt. He isn't just saving a poor person or two, he's saving tens of thousands, and he'll keep this entire kingdom safe if allowed. For such peace, some minor inconveniences must be tolerated, and the smallest ember could light the biggest fire. He does what he does the way he does because he must."

Melerith looked at Shoxe with a side glance, his words carried weight and logic, unexpectedly so. It started making sense in her head, why Red chose to befriend and trust this man.

" So you agree with everything he says and does?"

"Certainly not. Rodolf-Sama's methods are... brutal, at the least. He could take it slower, be more humane, and be slower to judge. Yet I understand him completely. His brutalism carries a sense of purpose; the sooner he's done with his work on Dranox, the rest of the kingdom will come. For a man of his age, patience is a rarity. You can't expect him to sit in a ruined city and rule it like an old fart would. It makes everything, more efficient, can't blame a man for wanting to be efficient."

"Even if efficiency comes at a cost?"

"If the remedy outweighs its cost, then why the hell not?"

"If it costs even a single innocent life, no benefit could ever excuse it! Human life is fragile, fleeting, and invaluable, and their lives are being taken from them without even explaining why? How could this ever be just."

"Desiring a world where no evil exists is just wishful thinking, Mel-san. If you look at things on a grander scale, like I said, you have every right to excuse one life over the many because sometimes you cannot outright remove the evil from the equation. Rodolf-sama is the necessary evil that dictates what must be done and what shouldn't be done. We, the people of this ruined city, believe in him and his judgment. We never had the luxury of living in peace; this midnight stroll is something you could hardly even imagine back then. We're willing to make sacrifices for this peace."

"You can hardly call this a mere stroll," Melerith said sarcastically.

"And it's over already. We've reached our destination." Shoxe let go of Erlik's body and walked towards the warehouse's door. He opened the door and entered, with Melerith following behind, still holding Erlik's body.

But there was something strange in the warehouse—someone who wasn't supposed to be there stood in front of them.


Alf Red was there.

Melerith was frozen stiff at what she saw.

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