The Sleeping Beauty

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"YES, THE MOMENT HAS ARRIVED. YOU SHALL BE THE FORTUNATE ONES, THE SELECT FEW TO INDULGE IN THIS POWER FIRST," Alf clasped his staff firmly and commenced the incantation, a surge of power enveloping him.

"Roar, my secret arcana! Descend, o ultimate disaster! Flow, ye tears of despair and regret!"


Alf abruptly propelled himself from his bed, stirred by the intense dream. The potency he had experienced was sufficient to jolt him into wakefulness.

"What an unusual dream. Those were, I believe, the words of Ulbert-sama. Indeed, they were. From one of the supreme tomes I've perused... but that voice was mine." Alf surveyed his cluttered room, realizing its tidiness should be attended to, preventing any inconvenience for the maids.

Feeling invigorated and more robust, Alf settled back into his pillow, yearning to resume the dream.


However, he was too alert to return to sleep, and the person approaching his door put an end to his yearning.

Knock knock. "Enter..." Before he could finish, his door was forcefully opened.

"I can't believe you're still in bed... UP!" Sebas stood before Alf, appearing displeased.

"I'm up, Father. What's the matter?" Alf slowly rose to his feet and stretched.

"What do you think? Could it be because you've been asleep for a whole day?"

Alf's eyes widened, and he didn't question the authenticity of the statement. His father was not given to jest.


"Yes, a whole day. I don't know what kind of training made you sleep through an entire day, but I don't want to see it happen again. Understood?"

"Yes, Father. It won't happen again," Alf replied, bowing.

(Why didn't anyone wake me up?) he wondered. He proceeded to do some basic exercises, tidy his room, and contemplate his situation. Finally, he decided that he was both hungry and dehydrated.

"Alright, I'm starving and probably dehydrated beyond belief." Alf left his room to get breakfast before heading to Ainz's chambers with a question.

"Ah, if it isn't the slumbering prince. Welcome to the realm of the living. You scared me; I thought I was going to have to send Renner to kiss you awake from your slumber... because, you know, princess... sleeping," Ainz teased.

"Good morning to you too, Ainz-sama." Alf greeted Ainz with a respectful bow before asking, "May I sit?"

"Please do. So, what brings you here?"

"I assume it was you who ordered everyone not to wake me up?"

"Yes, your assumptions are correct. I personally spoke with all the maids and your father."

"Thank you for sparing the time to do that, but why? I missed my father's classes and some with Demiurge-sama... which isn't all that bad when you think about it. I didn't have to put up with that simpleton. But still, Demiurge-sama's classes are fun."

"I assume you're referring to Melerith?"

"Indeed, my Lord."

"Well, to answer your question, if you didn't get the sleep you needed yesterday, you'd sleep through your only off day. That doesn't sit well with me after all your hard work. You should get some time for yourself. Nobody seems to want to take time off for themselves, which makes me feel like a tyrant who forces everyone to work non-stop. You're all my children, and I wish to see you all well."

"Such a captivating performance, sire. If I were a maid, I would cry my eyes out. Still, thank you for your consideration, my Lord," Alf acknowledged with a hint of humor.

"You should try to get along well with Melerith. You basically grew up together, and I always assumed you would be the best of friends. While she came out as expected, you're quite peculiar. She is also a child of Nazarick, and you two should get along."

"Is this an order or a suggestion?"

"A suggestion. Ordering you to get along with her won't change a thing if you don't befriend her out of your own will."

"The thing is, she is too human. She was raised under the same roof as I, but she still smells like people from the outside world. In the end, it comes down to genes. I was lucky with my parents, well, one of them at least. Don't take this as if I hate my mother; I don't. She, too, is native to this world, but it's just hard to accept."

"I would never allow the blood of my children to be diluted by humans. I dealt with the situation to the best of my abilities, although it was mostly Demiurge who handled it. But still, you are no human. Melerith isn't human either, but I guess her father is still too naive in his beliefs. I think your differences come from your parents. While Tuare and Sebas are quiet people, Renner and Climb would spend their time teaching their child themselves. Your parents let you be raised by the Guardians and the rest of Nazarick, which makes you, well, you. But you should try to connect with your other side as well; there could be experiences to gain from your roots."

"Still, Alf," Ainz continued, "when is the last time you saw your mother?"

"Pfff, a month... or two... I think... I haven't seen her much, since I have to go outside to see her and my training... I've been too busy with my training; I can't just stop training! I have a dream to chase!"

Ainz responded firmly, "Alf, you will, if I can help it, live on forever. You are only twelve, and you shouldn't be separated from your mother to this degree. That's why I let you sleep through yesterday. You will go see your mother today, no training. You will have decades upon decades to train, but today, you are forbidden."

"But trai..."

"And THAT is an order," Ainz declared as he sat down at his desk, indicating the end of the conversation.

"Thank you for your time, Ainz-sama... Who will be coming with me?"

"Narberal should be free today. I'll let her know. She gets upset when she doesn't have anything to do."

With that, Alf bowed toward the Overlord of Nazarick and left the room, reflecting on his decision to prioritize seeing his mother over his training.

"To E-Rantel, then..."

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