An unhealthy obsession

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An arrow makes a sound as it cuts through the air and the target.

"That requires some serious muscle, Alf. Although it's not a bullseye, it still hit the target and cut through it," Aura commented on the shot.

"Thank you, Aura-sama. I shall train harder to aim it perfectly." Aura then walked to the giant toad that had the target on its forehead.

"Shooting it while it moved was a challenge enough; you've outdone yourself once more. These things have been overpopulating the area near Nazarick. Glad they are being of use."

"If I may, can I train with Mare for the rest of the day? I know I already trained with Ainz-sama for magic, but I still wish to better myself."

"No, it's not a matter of wish, Alf. Overworking will only cause damage without merit. I can see you are clearly out of MP. Ainz-sama must've worked you to the bone, and you still wish to train more."

Aura made a disapproving face and called a few of her bipedal beasts.

"You will spar with them without magic today. You are clearly better at training your stamina and strength; they surpass your casting abilities. You should focus on melee or ranged combat more."

Alf picked up two katanas and readied his stance; the same Cocytus made him perfect during their last sessions.

"I thank you for your suggestion, Aura-sama, but I've decided on which path I am going to take, and the way of the warrior is only my contingency plan." He eyed his opponent, and there stood a werewolf, fairly low-level but looking wild, and its claws looked fatal.

"Permission to use lethal force?"


Alf stood and waited for Aura's mark, took three deep breaths, and eyed his opponent once more.

After Aura has given the mark to start, the werewolf started running towards Alf with haste on all fours. After the beast jumped on Alf with an open jaw, Alf changed his stance to a different one, his right foot one step ahead of the other one, and his torso looking away from the beast, holding his katanas, pointing their tips towards the beast.

Alf took a step back after the beast landed and took its claws with one katana, ramming the other one into its mouth, cutting it upwards after. The werewolf lay dead on the ground, its brains leaked to the ground from its skull that had been cut into two.

"Bravo, your nerves have hardened lately. You haven't hesitated in your plan of attack and didn't show any signs of fear."

"Sorry about the mess, but trying to bait me by bringing a bipedal that would strike with its jaw didn't leave me much choice."

"It did take you some time to figure that out, but alas, you did. Did you improvise the attack?"

"No, it was a part of my training with Cocytus-sensei. By turning sideways, I minimize the area it can claw attack, and by pointing them directly, I gain space I can use to cut through its jaw. It didn't plan on using its claws, but I misjudged its level, thinking it was going to do both."

"Well, well, you sure learned a lot in a short span of time. Don't let it get to your head. This creature was pathetically weak. Shall we leave for the forest then?"

"It's time for lunch, Aura-chan <3." The watch on Aura's wrist called out, voiced by a female.

"Is that BukubukuChagama-sama's voice?" Aura was staring at her watch with eyes of love.

"Yess, Alf, it's her voice. Doesn't it make your heart race with peace?" Alf didn't feel that but felt respect; he heard beforehand that her voice had the ability to give life.

"Indeed, her voice makes one feel things."

"After lunch, then, we shall leave for the forest." Alf nodded along, and they went up to the table; Pestonya was standing next to.

"Chicken wrap with mashed potatoes for Aura-sama! And medium-rare steak with fries for Alf-san."

"Isn't it too early for something like steak, Alf?"

"Well, this is my third meal of the day; I start the day early when I have training with Ainz-sama."

"I see! Very well, then. Time to dig in!"

Alf quietly ate all of it in a short span of time, which surprised Aura.

"Wow! For the third meal of the day, you sure ate it quickly. This actually explains your fast-paced growth and energy."

"Indeed, I'll also get a snack and dinner later on during the day, but it depends on the day. If I'm going to have an early morning and fight-focused training, it's five meals; if it's a study-based day, then I wake up pretty late and eat less."

"You get the proper amount of sleep, don't you?"

"Yes, I wake up late because on training-based days, I also train by myself after the classes, which leads to late hours, but none of it feels like work, so I don't get exhausted!"

"That sounds like a lot of work! What do you do in your spare time, then? You don't visit us as much as you used to, y'know."

"I don't have a lot of free time anymore. Even if I do, I mostly work on the stuff I'm lacking in, and if I'm lucky, I get a late study session with Ainz-sama!"

"T--that just sounds like more studying and training." Mare joined them at the table to get his lunch.

"Yeah, Mare is right. Don't you do anything else but work your butt off?"

"I... sometimes walk the streets in the city, observing what people do, if I can find a carriage I can hide in."

The twins looked at each other in confusion.

"To do what, Alf? Humans aren't fascinating to watch," Mare asked the question.

"Oh, but they are. For instance, because it's near impossible to commit a crime, they have to get clever to not get caught. I, too, would be cautious if a slight mistake made me end up at the happy farm. I enjoy watching them try to be clever."

"That sounds kind of fun. I'm glad you have something that isn't studying, Alf!"

"Yeah, it is fun! Aura-sama, if you've finished, shall we leave for the forest?" Aura threw the last bite into her mouth and shook her head positively. Whistling, a two-headed boar came to Aura's calling with haste.

"Will we go on animal back, Can't Mare teleport us there?

"I thought you hated teleports, Alf-kun?" Mare asked with genuine confusion.

"I don't hate them; they make my tummy hurt, but I've realized recently how important the time it saves is. I've also got some advice from Albedo-sama to deal with it. Could you please teleport us if it isn't any trouble?"

"Sure, I can! Get ready, nee-san."

[Dimensional move!]

"That's not tel..." The spell cut Alf short, and they vanished from the arena.

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