Echoes of His Actions

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Polymith, advisor to the queen Draudillon of the Dragonic kingdom. Received a report from his balcony, delivered by a raven.

He was normally a cool-headed man with a mind that was dictated by sheer logic, he was a traditionalist and believed in values even in the smallest things. There should be an order in everything, thats what he always said. His rational and realist thinking skills, even in the direst of situations, made him the direct advisor to the queen and one of the most powerful men within the kingdom.

Yet ever since the emergence of this hero, who has been moving from mouth-to-mouth all around the kingdom, troubled him, made it impossible for him to have a clear head.

Believes in none of the values, knows no authority, and immensely powerful. The red headed mage that had saved the City of Dranox from destruction was the constant topic of conversation within the royal palace. How many letters had he handwritten for his summons to the capital ? How many dozens of men had he sent for their delivery, just how many more times were they had to humiliate themselves before he complied. The queen herself was desperate, desperate enough to do a sloppy job while handling this situation.

 The queen herself was desperate, desperate enough to do a sloppy job while handling this situation

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"Report of the sudden siege of Dranox, for the advisor to the queen, Polymith Redgrass.

In the evening of the last full moon, our glorious city was once again left at the mercy of the savage beast men, with an army that was approximately twenty thousand strong. Fully intending to conquer the city and enslave our people. I, as the highest ranking official representing the garrison, gave orders of evacuation of the people, since the city's garrison has not been adequately supported with both manpower and funds, we did not have the means to defend the city.

Alas, before, we, The garrison could do anything, the local hero, known as "Rodolf The Adventurer" once again rushed to the aid of our city, thanks to him this city once again stood victorious against a beastmen invasion. Rodolf single-handedly defeated the mighty army. The magnitude of his attack could clearly be seen from within the city walls, and it is really important that this is noted; He defeated the army, with a single spell.

this city, its people and this country owes him a debt that cannot be repaid

~R. Rotch Blauwssen, Vice commander of the garrison of Dranox"

He read it

"Cant be"

He read it

"Has to be a forged letter..."

He read it again

"he cannot "

He read it again and again


he slammed his desk time after time, each strike with even more fury. He slammed the desk until his hands bled and the desk stood no more.


"In such convenient times

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"In such convenient times.... Someone so impossibly powerful, so conveniently in the vicinity. Single spell ? It really says a single spell... Praise the light what even is he...." he took another look at the letter, a few droplets of his blood was infused in its edges, he wanted to crumple it, burn, the queen should not see this.

"A man I can't deduce, someone I cannot even fathom.... I can't let him near the queen, but what can I do, what can I even do. Me, who is without powers against someone whose existence makes historical figures blush..."

He knew he couldn't hide it from the queen, and although unwillingly, he cleaned after himself to get ready for an audience with the queen.

Polymith's relationship with Queen Draudillon was a close one. Yes he respected her above all and served her as his liege, yet one could say they were on equal footing, looking at how the queen treated him.

He was scared for his friend, he was scared for his queen and above all he was scared for his country. This undecipherable enigma that was Rodolf, gnawed at his mind, he knew he meant no good, but had nothing to back his claim.

How dare he refuse her summons ? How dare he act without care for the law of this country, how dare he even consider that it was her majesty that needed to come at his feet.

"Such hubris... But he is something we cannot survive without. Perhaps dying while being true to ourselves is the honourable thing to do, instead of making a deal with the devil..."

Ideas filled his head as he walked towards the throne room with the letter in hand, he saluted the door's guard before entering, and signalled them to open the door.

White doors of the throne room slowly opened and the sight of the queen sitting in her throne entered Polymith's field of vision.

Her majesty the dragon queen Draudillon Oriculus, whose appearance was that of a girl which hadnt yet entered puberty, but under that guise lurked a ruler with abundance of experience that gathered over the years of her reign.

with a flip of her wrist, she signalled all those that were inside the room to leave at once.

Her cheerful expression turned into a serious one, although she enjoyed the company of Polymith a bunch, she was aware that he was a man of duty and would only take her time during the day for matters of state.

"Welcome, Polymith."

Polymith walked towards the queen with elegant movement and stopped a few steps before reaching her to bend the knee. Draudillon walked towards him to offer her hand, which he accepted and kissed.

After paying his respects to the queen, Polymith rose to his feet with an expression that was difficult to name.

"Your majesty..."

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