There He Was, Apostle Of The Supreme Being!

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Crackling sounds came from the burning forest, the smoke that rose from the trees had covered the entire sky in smoke, yet the light that was emitted from the burning trees lit the night sky.

A figure soon appeared from within the forest, a terrible monster. A man that blended in with the flames perfectly, it was as if he belonged in the flames.

Alf red had emerged victorious from his battle with the bard Horlingar. It took him longer than he previously expected, but the surprise was a pleasant one.

He had, in his hands, two empty flasks. He wiped his mouth onto his robe and threw the flasks back into the burning forest.

(I've wasted too much MP, should've conserved more of it. Ahhh, well, I'll make due.)

"Hello there, missed me much, Startha ?"

Alf red, walked towards the failing startha, he had fought with everything he had and managed to survive for longer than expected, yet he couldn't save his left arm and holding onto his big axe had started to become impossible with each hit he had blocked. His mouth was filled with blood, his body beaten and bruised, his consciousness barely holding on, but he was alive against all odds.

"You must be proud, you big shit for brains, but I'll have to cut that short. Death knight, Halt!" with words out of his mouth, the DK had stopped all movement stopped his sword inches before it thrust into Startha's face

Covered in sweat and blood, startha still stood. Looked into the empty eye sockets of the DK once again. It had reverted to the state he was before he was ordered by Rodolf.

He moved slowly, once again, looked at Rodolf. He didn't have the strength to spare for talking, instead he conveyed his feelings with his impression.

"Angry ? Confused ? Both maybe ? Indeed, both. Well, I suppose you deserve your curiosity satisfied at least. Before you are put through a world of pain."

"To put it simply, Mr. Chief of the sleepwalkers. You outreached, tried to put your dirty hands where they don't belong, and you made the incredible foolishness of trying to hurt a subject of his majesty, the Sorcerer king, and as if that wasn't enough, you imbecile. You sent your so-called professionals after the wrong person and threatened the life of my MOTHER!"

"Your very existence is offensive to me, if you didn't have valuable information inside that thick skull of yours, I wouldn't even let ainz-sama have you, deal with you myself. But you are lucky, you happened to find yourself in the valuable position of living in the theocracy. You will live to see another day...

( A sudden smirk had creeped itself onto Alf's face)

If you call being handled by neuronist-chan everyday living, that is."

Startha had realized what was going to happen to him, if he were to be caught by this monster.

[IMPENETRABLE FORTRESS] Startha had taken a stance, while he barely had the strength to hold onto his axe. He coughed up a pool of blood but didn't falter.

"Oh ? You believe I am going to bother myself fighting with a worm such as you ? Pathetic."

Alf walked towards him, with his hands tied behind his back.

"Now, I wonder how many hits you can take before I have to deliver you to ainz-sama..."

From the same hill the two members of the sleepwalkers had arrived, a familiar face appeared in Alf's sights.

Shoxe was running towards the scene, screaming on the top of his lungs.


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