The Mentor and big brother figure

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The warm wind in the 7th floor of Nazarick was blowing east, to an outsider, this place would look only like a wasteland. But it was much, much more than that. Demiurge's base of operation and the floor Ulbert Alain Odle designed himself.

"I thought Ulbert-sama's floor would be more sophisticated, if I'm being honest," Demiurge smirked at Alf's comment about the 7th floor of Nazarick.

"Yes, I suppose one would. If they only knew my master Ulbert-sama through text. But do not worry, this place is as complex as any other floor; it's simply hidden from plain sight, that's all." He united his hands behind his back and started walking towards a castle that looked like it had seen better days.

"Now, you've had a few questions for me?" Demiurge urged Alf to start his line of questioning.

"Is it because I'm half draconoid that I don't feel the heat?" Alf was curious about why the heat waves didn't bother him.

"That would be half correct; your other side also brings its resistances. Do not forget, I was heavily involved with your creation after all." Alf nodded slowly after hearing Demiurge's answer.

"Lord Demiurge, if I may, I was going to ask you questions about your creator. Ulbert Alain Odle-sama." If Alf was looking at Demiurge's face directly, he would see that the grin he was always wearing on his face got wider after the question came.

"As I suspected," he thought to himself, and his tail started being more active than usual. Alf did notice that.

"I see, then you certainly came to the right place, that is if Ainz-sama refused to teach you directly."

"He didn't refuse per se, he is the one that got me interested in Ulbert-sama. He just doesn't have the time to teach me as much as I want. And honestly, I don't have the courage to ask him myself for a lesson."

They were walking towards the castle, but after hearing Alf, Demiurge stopped for a second and then continued to walk.

"I see, I understand it now..." After a few seconds of silence, his tail hit the ground behind him.

"And your questions about Ulbert-sama are?" Alf was lost in thought because he was looking around the scenery.

"Ah, yes. Sorry, my lord, for I was lost in thought about the hidden meaning Ulbert-sama planted for this floor. If I had to take a guess..." Alf went silent after saying that; he still wasn't sure; he had an idea but didn't want to make a blunder in front of Demiurge. Demiurge stayed silent, waiting for him to finish the sentence he started; this put greater pressure on Alf.

"The order within chaos..." Demiurge's tail once again hit behind the floor behind him.

"Seems you're still too young, Alf. Now continue with your questions; I do not have all day."

Alf was disappointed in himself but continued in his pursuit of knowledge on his person of interest. He picked up the pace and started asking his questions.

"How would you explain Ulbert-sama to someone who met him through text only?"

"A genius, before anything, wielder of divine power, way above our imaginations and a true demon lord. But Alf, I should warn you, truly understanding supreme beings is simply impossible. They are entities that exist way above the simple plain we exist in." Alf nodded his head in understanding.

"Would Ainz-sama agree with you on these subjects?"

"Surely not, although I happen to know Ulbert-sama the best in Nazarick, that's without counting Ainz-sama, of course. The supreme beings shared an unbreakable bond between them and they knew each other perfectly well. I'm sure Ainz-sama would bring up traits that wouldn't even cross my mind."

"What did he value the most?" Demiurge answered this one without giving it much thought.

"Inflicting suffering and raining despair." Alf took mental notes, as his sensei gave him an extra class.

They reached the ruined castle; the gatekeepers reached out to the door to open it for them.

"Which did he value the most then, the act itself or the power he felt from it?"

The door opened, but Demiurge didn't walk inside; he instead turned towards Alf with a grin on his face.

"That, I do not know. Good question." He walked through the door; Alf continued after him.

The look he got from Demiurge and the praise really lifted Alf's spirits and made him want to ask more questions. He was so invested in the conversation he barely heard the screaming of the sheep.

"How well do you know his kit he used in battles, and what was his favorite spell?"

"Lord Ulbert's kit, if my memory serves me well, I know it all by heart. As for his favorite spell..." Demiurge thought for a second and after fixing his glasses, he answered.

"That would be Grand Catastrophe, of course." Alf was confused; he never heard the name of that spell before but for some reason, he knew that spell was more powerful than any of the spells he read about to that day. The name of the spell somehow carried weight, and Alf felt it.

"Grand Catastrophe? I've never heard of it."

"Of course, you haven't; it's not a spell we teach in Nazarick since it's impossible to cast."

They reached a door guarded by two demons that stood over 2 meters tall, and they both had tridents in hand. The door was opened with Demiurge's arrival, and the place they entered looked... medical; there were lots of tools one would see in a healer's house and lots of blood puddles in the corners.

"Impossible to cast? Why is that? What kind of spell was it? What class of mage did it belong to? WHY is it impossible?" The smile Demiurge had on his face widened all the more; the more their conversation continued, the passion and interest he had in the topic would surely be a positive influence for Nazarick. (Maybe... Maybe he'll figure out a way) he was hopeful of Alf; among all the denizens, you could say Demiurge expected the most from him.

"For a 14-year-old, you are unexpectedly interested in the technical side of things. I surely hope you will keep your vigor on the matter later in life."

" Does this mean you won't tell me the answers??" Alf was desperate for the answers; Demiurge realized it. He would do anything for knowledge, so he decided to use this in Alf's advantage.

"It's not exactly that I won't tell you the answers; it's that I don't believe you can fully comprehend the answers. If you wish to learn the truth of it, I need you to learn a spell capable of destroying a single house."

"Why is that? What... what... how could it help me understand it better? Lord Demiurge, please, I need answers."

"I already told you the answer; after completing the task, you will understand it all very clearly. As for now, I have experiments to attend to. Ask the guards in the door to teleport you where you want."

Alf was frustrated, angry, but all the more curious. He knew Lord Demiurge wouldn't act like that if he didn't have a completely sound reason, but that didn't make it suck less for Alf. He did find more motivation because of this though...

He hardened his resolve and continued on his path for knowledge which was doomed to lead for power...

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