The Assembly

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"Ainz Ooal Gown entered the room, and everyone kneeled toward the throne. All of the guardians were gathered inside the throne room, and Ainz walked past them, seating himself on the throne.

"What do we know?" He turned to his side, urging Albedo to speak.

"Right away. Neuronist just reported that she is done with the subject. It would seem they were a band of mercenaries, not native to E-rantel."

"Do we have any idea on who hired them?"

"That part seems to not add up. These people are mercenaries, but they were not paid to take on this job. As for an identity, we only know of a cloaked figure who also provided their Ring of Invisibility."

"What's your take on it, Demiurge?" Ainz turned towards the well-dressed devil, who didn't have his usual grin on his face. He was rather calm.

"Fanaticism. I deduce that they took on this particular job out of belief. Human supremacy, to be exact."

"What else do we know? Why did they choose Tuare as their target?" Ainz once more returned to Albedo.

"Tuare wasn't the target, my lord. They thought they were getting Neia Baraja. Their contractor informed them that she was working in the orphanage under a fake name and pointed them to capture Tuare."

"Ainz-sama, if I may?" Demiurge cut in before Ainz could speak.

"Umu, proceed, Demiurge."

"I believe their contractor, from the beginning, wanted Tuare. Neia's name was used to hide their true intentions."

"Why would anyone target Tuare?"

"Information. I theorize they thought they could gain inside information on Nazarick by kidnapping Tuare."

"That seems plausible. Do we have any information whatsoever regarding who hired them? Any racial features regarding this 'cloaked figure'?"

"No, my lord. They are professionals that don't ask questions, at least that's what he said."

"Their origins?"

"It would seem all of them originate from the Slane Theocracy."

"Not really surprising. Is there any way we can trace this back to them that would create a justification for war?"

"As things stand, the trail is cold, but I will pursue this matter personally and return with results, my lord."

"You won't do such a thing. I don't wish to enter that country blindfolded, and you are already overworked with your current duties. I don't wish to spread your workforce too thin; it would only cause you to work that much unproductively. We first need a foothold inside their council. They could very well be behind Shalltear's brainwashing. If they are, it's confirmed that they have World Items at their disposal."

"As you wish, my lord. How would you like us to act regarding the situation?" Albedo responded, but she wasn't pleased with his response; she enjoyed being relied upon by Ainz.

"Right now, we won't be doing anything until I say otherwise. Tuare won't be working in the orphanage until further notice, and the security inside the city will be raised. Also, bring me Alf Red."

"I'm already here, Ainz-sama, just sitting in the corner."

"Tell me your version of events, their movement, and how they've gone unnoticed by the Death Knight patrol."

"I noticed them early in the morning when I teleported to meet with my mot-... when I teleported to meet with Tuareninya. They were invisible, which explains how the Death Knights couldn't sense them. Their invisibility spell, though, was low-leveled; their shadows were easy to recognize. At that point, I decided I would lead them to an empty alley and deal with them."

Shalltear, who had been silent ever since she came to the room, raised a question towards Alf.

"And why didn't you kill them right there and then~arinsu?" Alf turned towards her with a puzzled look.

"Uh, striking them at broad daylight, at a location where people are present, would hurt us and only us. Ainz-sama himself worked tirelessly towards a diverse society that would live in harmony. If something barbaric like that were to happen, it would only hurt the image we worked so hard to create, which is what these people want: to antagonize us, make us seem like monsters."

"T-that's right, just as Alf said, Shalltear." Shalltear, who asked that question, buried her face in embarrassment.

"Perfect decision-making, Alf. It seems you've listened to my classes well." Demiurge commented on Alf's explanation, which made Alf happy, but that didn't show on his face; there were bigger problems.

"When we arrived at the alley I chose, which was hard enough to convince Tuareninya to take. I took her to Nazarick, casting teleportation. Then I returned to the alley to confront ambushers who have been following us at every stop."

"You should've notified a guardian, at least someone who wouldn't have a problem dealing with 5 assailants."

"...That's where I let emotions get the better of me. Their invisibility spell looked fairly low-level; I didn't think they'd be high-level enough to be any danger to me."

"That's poor decision-making; that very well could've been a ploy to make you drop your guard. No matter the situation, you don't have to take them on alone."

"You are right, my lord. If I asked for backup, maybe we could've got 5 prisoners instead of one."

"As long as you understand your mistake, it's no problem. Still, you took on 5 enemies and emerged victorious in the name of Nazarick. May this be the first of many in your name."

"I deserve no praise, my lord. I only did the bare minimum. Taking care of small fry that can't even realize they have their shadows isn't enough to earn your recognition."

"No need to be so humble, Alf; you've earned yourself some praise. If not for dealing with them, for casting teleportation at that speed and not losing your composure."

"Thank you, Ainz-sama..."

"Now, Demiurge. I want you to discover ways we can infiltrate the Slane Theocracy from within; this cooling-off period seems to be coming to an end."

"As you wish, my lord. I already have an idea of where to start."

"Umu, you shall lead the investigation regarding the attempt to kidnap Tuare while you are at it."

"Ainz-sama, may I ask something?" Alf took the full attention of the room.

"Yes, Alf?"

"After this, may I take a bit of your time in private? It would be preferable if Demiurge-sama was present as well."

"Is it related to Tuare's abduction?"

"Well, it sort of is, and it isn't at the same time. I'm not perfectly sure what it's related to; I was going to seek your guidance regarding it."

"Then we shall meet in my chambers after this. Right, returning to other matters while we are all gathered here. What's the situation in the Draconic Kingdom?"...

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