For The Glory of Ainz Ooal Gown!

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Alf and Shoxe materialized inside the Lorgnad Bakery, a warm and inviting establishment. Alf, in his usual fashion, took a seat and shed his robe to reveal the sophisticated attire beneath. On the other hand, Shoxe, still somewhat disoriented from their magical transit, had to rely on a bucket he had thoughtfully brought with him.

In an attempt to ease the initial silence, Alf offered a comment, and the ambient sounds of patrons conversing and the clinking of utensils created a homely atmosphere. "You'll soon get used to it. I've experienced the same thing at a young age."

Shoxe, still recovering from his bout of nausea, managed a faint smile as he responded, "I sure hope so. My old bones are not meant to take this amount of strain." He wiped his mouth with a cloth, gradually embracing the warm ambiance of the bakery.

Alf leaned forward, ready to delve into their business. "I'll have you report everything that happened during my absence, and then we'll address the other matter at hand."

"You mean the rat?" Shoxe's voice took on a more sombre tone, in harmony with the gravity of their subject.


Shoxe nodded, his gaze reflecting the seriousness of their conversation. "I've located him already. It's Erlik."

"Brilliant. We'll determine his fate after your report." Alf's words carried a sense of resolve and authority.

However, before they delved into the details, Shoxe hesitated for a moment. "Well... I'll begin with the report shortly, but before that... Alf-sama, if you don't mind, may I ask you something?"

Alf's initial response was concise, "I do mind."

Undeterred, Shoxe continued. "Oh... Well, if..."

"But you've already asked. Go ahead."

Shoxe's curiosity was evident as he inquired, adding a touch of intrigue to their dialogue, "The lady you arrived with earlier."

"Yes, Melerith."

The soft rustling of papers and the occasional clinking of utensils continued around them as Shoxe probed further, "From what I observed at my home, it seems you two have a somewhat strained relationship, am I correct?"

Alf sighed deeply, a mixture of weariness and frustration evident in his expression as he responded to Shoxe's inquiry. "You deduced correctly, we never had the best relationship. I never managed to warm up to her."

Shoxe leaned in slightly, his curiosity piqued. "She seemed like a lovely lass. Could you explain further why you never managed to get along?"

Alf's gaze drifted for a moment as he collected his thoughts, and then he offered his perspective. "And why would you care about her, or our relationship?"

Shoxe hesitated briefly, his expression contemplative. "Well... When I first saw you two together, I had assumed she was your lover, Alf-sama."

Alf's face contorted into a mixture of disbelief and mild disgust at the notion. "Me? With Melerith? And here I thought you had a keen eye for people."

Shoxe stammered, struggling to clarify his intentions. "I-It's not like that... It's just..."

"Just what? Out with it."

"It's just an old man's guts, that's all," Shoxe admitted with a sheepish smile. "You are both beautiful people, contrary to the likes of us common folk. I just assumed you were together. Seeing you happy would naturally make me happy as well, Alf-sama."

Alf's expression softened, and he offered a slight nod of understanding. "I appreciate your sentiment, Shoxe. But rest assured, there's nothing romantic between Melerith and me. Our... disagreements are of a different nature."

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