Alf Red's First Catastrophe

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"Are you Certain, Ainz-sama" Puzzled Demiurge, asked his master about the revelation he presented about his own creator.

"Do you doubt me, Demiurge ? I will show it to you, when we are back in Nazarick."

"Of course not Ainz-sama ! I could never doubt your wisdom even for a moment, not even in my most foolish state of mind ! The supreme one that reigned above all could never sprout doubt in the mind of this old fool..."

"Stop berating yourself, It is indeed something hard to believe, you have every reason to be shocked. You knew the story exactly the same until the existence of the guild leader. In the library, It's recorded as *Ulbert simply disintegrated the entire guild with a single spell*. It does not mention any survivors. I was surprised beyond belief, considering the history those two have... Although this has happened before, they got cross with each other. Yet it was the perfect lesson Alf red needed (Those two... Still helping me out in my hour of need... After 20 years of living in this world, I still am hopeful... One day perhaps) A Glass canon simply does not fight alone." Ainz got a bit emotional inside his head, thinking back to his old days, gold days. Didn't continue for long, the suppressors got activated before long.

"But Ainz-sama, that's what he did. He fought alone, didn't he ? "

"Focus Demiurge. What did Ulbert do, in the actual version of the *Lake of roses,* Before heading out to battle."

"He let Touch me-sama know of his intentions. Don't tell me, Alf..."

"Exactly. He told me, beforehand. I even helped him orchestrate. Don't get me wrong, he was not expecting a sudden invasion from the Beast Men. He does not have Foresight. Yet, he asked me for permission to use higher tiered spell's, Yesterday morning. "

"And because he asked you this, he knew you'd be keeping an eye on him... HAH" Demiurge suddenly grew a very large smile, he was quite emotional at this moment. He was proud of his pupil, all of his teachings for the last 17 years, wasn't for nothing. Nazarick had gained another asset.

"I'm sure that brat would've done this either way, but we'll never know what would've happened *If* That was the case... Now, Demiurge. "

Demiurge was stuck for a moment, he was still processing the emotions in his head, but when the supreme one call's for you, all comes to halt to answer it

"Y-yes Ainz-sama"

"You mentioned a possible reserve army for these beast men"

Demiurge pushed his glasses back and answered.

"Indeed, Ainz-sama. I'm certain beyond all this chaos, there awaits an army, of some size."

"We've come all this way, let us help Alf Red in his time of need. I permit you to deal with the army of reserves, and then return to the hill Alf is currently in."

"As you wish Ainz-sama"

Demiurge grew wings off his back and started to fly towards the chaos.

"Let's meet the man of the hour then..." Ainz started walking towards Alf Red.




"Well, he will be here shortly, I assume... It's about time you leave. But not directly, pay your respects and leave with all the citizens you brought with you, keep his involvement in all of these a secret... I'm trusting you with a lot here Shoxe, if you betray me on this..."

"I would rather see this city burn than to betray you, Alf-sama. I hold no sentimental values for this city."

"Good man..."

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