The Beginnings Of Something More

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In the quiet refuge of the orphanage within Nazarick, a complex dance of emotions unfolded. Alf, the usually composed and mature guardian, found himself grappling with a storm of feelings he couldn't entirely comprehend. Seeking solace and understanding, he sought out the person who had always been there for him — his mother, Tuare.

Tuare had weathered her own share of storms, particularly during the recent attempt on her life. The weeks following the incident were spent in a kind of suspended animation, a respite until the threat was thoroughly extinguished. Now, back to her usual routine, she offered Alf a comforting haven in the midst of his turmoil.

Amidst hugs and whispered reassurances, the door bore the familiar cadence of a visitor. The distinct and elegant knock hinted at the identity of the person outside — Sebas Tian. His arrival was anticipated, but Alf's apprehension swelled. Would Sebas react with anger, disappointment, or both?

As the door swung open, Alf swiftly extricated himself from his mother's embrace, endeavoring to present a composed front. The specter of possible admonishment loomed large.

"D-Does he know the details..."

 But Tuare's words cut through his preoccupation.

"Of course, he does. That's how I'm able to stand strong right now. Do you believe I would be able to stand at all if I just learned about it?"

It was a revelation for Alf, a reminder of the resilience that his mother possessed. She had weathered the storm of uncertainty and fear, emerging with a strength that inspired him.

Sebas entered the room with an air of purpose. His gaze, however, bypassed Tuare, moving directly to Alf. The expected confrontation didn't unfold as Alf had anticipated. Instead, Sebas approached him, his demeanour devoid of reproach. Alf braced himself, closing his eyes, expecting the sting of a reprimand.

But it never came.

Instead, Sebas enveloped Alf in a tight embrace. Confusion gripped Alf's thoughts. This wasn't the stern and reserved Sebas Tian he had known. The last time such warmth was shared between them was a distant memory from his childhood.


The revelation hit him. It had been ages since Sebas had hugged him this way. The memories of a time when his father expressed such paternal affection flashed before him. It was a stark contrast to the Sebas Tian he had come to know during his training.

"Alf Red... Son..."

The acknowledgment of their familial relationship shook Alf to his core. The emotional exchange between father and son, veiled beneath Sebas's typically Stoic exterior, brought back memories Alf hadn't consciously accessed for years.

"It's okay to be scared, Alf Red."

"I am not scared father..." 

"Perhaps not, but just so you know, no one will hold it against you. A Difficult mission awaits you, something that has only been done by Ainz-Sama himself..."

The words, a rare display of vulnerability from Sebas, pierced through Alf's defenses. The complexities of his emotions surfaced, and a weight he hadn't recognized lifted from his shoulders.

"Pandora's Actor has also been Momon."

"He only started being Momon after there were no more decisions to be made. He is only strolling the streets without actually doing anything. You will be alone; it's only natural to be scared."

Sebas's wisdom unfolded like a balm to Alf's tumultuous soul. The gravity of his upcoming mission, the weight of the hero's mantle, and the uncertainty that loomed—all were momentarily eased by the understanding in his father's words.

"You are stronger than almost all of the inhabitants of this world. And you are destined to surpass those you cannot defeat at this time. You've been taught by the very best. Be confident in your abilities, but never be too cocky about them."

The fatherly advice continued, each word a stepping stone across the river of Alf's fears.

"And if by some reason you are down, needing motivation and power to keep on going, don't look too far. All the power you need is right by your side. You carry the blood and name of Nazarick, Ainz Ooal Gown. That name, Alf Red, does not know defeat. Once you realize that for yourself, it will all be easier for you."

A wave of gratitude and warmth enveloped Alf. His father's words weren't just guidance; they were an anchor grounding him in his identity and purpose.

"Thank you, father, for your advice."

"I'm certain you will fulfil your mission with perfection and return to us before long. Be sure to learn about yourself, learn about your weaknesses, and reach further greatness. We will all be waiting for you."

With those parting words, Sebas Tian bestowed upon Alf a newfound resolve. The Legend of Alf The Red Disaster, born from a challenging crucible, stood at its inception. Alf, fueled by the support and wisdom of those he cherished, embarked on a journey that would define him anew.

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