The Adventures Of (Y/N) Part 1

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The continent of Ishgar. A peaceful continent on the east'rn side of the w'rld, madeth of sev'ral countries yond b'rd'r one anoth'r. T is almost completely did surround by flote to the n'rth and south, yet ishgar b'rd'rs an unknown continent in the east. While Alakitasia in the opposite side is infamous for its brutal military and conscription norms, Ishgar is a peace-loving continent, where young men were not coerced into joining the Army after they graduate from college. It is primarily for this reason that Ishgar and Alakitasia had once warred against each other, long ago. You see, the western continent was not made of several countries that bordered one another as one. Instead, Alakitasia was made of one vast country that stretched from sea to sea. Trust me, you do not want to raise your son in a country like this. When he turns five, you would be forced to give him up to the state, whether you want to or not. It doesn't matter if you were rich or poor, noble or commoner, you had to give up your son to the state. Until his twentieth birthday, your son(s) are forced to learn how to fight a deadly battle and win, no matter the consequences. Then it's off to the military barracks in the middle of nowhere, where he is stationed until the Emperor summons him and his company to serve. Can you guess what country I am referring to? If not, then it is the Alvarez Empire, rival to all the countries in Ishgar and the setting for the exposition of this legend I am telling.

Your name is [Y/N] L. Ølsen. You are a peddler born and raised in a nameless medium-sized village. Your hometown in one word was...sleepy. Nothing of notice to you, happened there during your childhood. You came from a very old and very wealthy family of nobles. In fact, your grandparents would tell you and your cousins stories of knights from long ago. It was a happy life with your entire family in your mansion, one that you would look back with a mix of pride and sadness. But one day, you were tending to your family's farm, planting new seeds of corn, indigo, tobacco, and sugar, when you saw an 18th Century, European horse-drawn carriage coming towards your house. It drove around a circle with a fountain in the middle then stopped, before the front gates of your mansion. A young squire disembarked then blew his long trumpet, gathering your attention. He opened the door of the carriage with grace, introducing the young man clad in Roman clothing, fit for a wealthy Patrician, as the emperor. In response, you and your servants bowed politely in respect. The Emperor just nodded in reply, then asked for the incumbent head of the mansion.

With grace befitting an honorable nobleman, you showed the Emperor to your father's study. You see before you were born, your ancestor was once an anonymous lawyer from Ishgar. 400 years ago, long before Alvarez even existed, he was infamous for always losing a case. So he was fired from his law firm and wandered the continent in self-pity, until he found a small village called Lancaster in the Kingdom of Dragnof. He stayed at a motel for a while, then encountered a small boy, walking down the street to school. Your ancestor walked him to and from school every Monday through Friday, then to work every Thursday at a magical research facility. Their friendship grew stronger until one fateful day, when the boy walked home only to see his village destroyed. He desperately searched for his family, but to no avail. When your ancestor encountered the boy again, he had changed into an emotionless adolescent that only cared about resurrecting his brother, the only link he had left of his parents. Your ancestor begged the kid to stop, but the adolescent pushed you aside, coldly ordering him to leave and never come back in Bashkir. So the two would never see each other again for decades, until the young adult had left the continent. He told your ancestor about founding his own country, where people will never be persecuted again. The future emperor threatened to kill him, unless he joined. Begrudgingly, your ancestor accepted and they were off to another land.

Your ancestor and the future emperor landed on the coast of what would become Alvarez, then built a base of operations. Several people, mostly persecuted cultists by the Catholic Church as heretics, joined your venture without question after the future emperor promised glory and wealth beyond their wildest dreams. Your mob swiftly took over kingdom after kingdom, city-state after city-state, until the entire continent of Alakitasia was under your control. In the newly-founded capital of Alvarez called Vistarion, the young man was crowned Emperor of the newly-founded Alvarez Empire. In the short term, no one in the world paid attention to his coronation or to your ancestor's sudden rise to the nobility. In fact, they would laugh it off as crazy talk and count down on their calendars until you both lost everything (A/N: Never did happen). After decades of silence from other countries including Dragnof, the Emperor finally had enough of waiting for recognition. If diplomacy did not work, then war will. Your ancestor immediately mobilized for war then a letter reached him by mail with his first wartime instruction. He was to invade the Kingdom of Fiore, occupy the kingdom's capital of Crocus (a small village in the middle of nowhere at the time), then hold it hostage until the kings of neighboring nations recognized the sovereignty of Alvarez. In exchange for peace, the Emperor would extract 3 billion US Dollars as tribute.

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