A visszatérés Árpád Beatrice

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The Continent of Ishtar was in ruins. The Troublesome Twelve, Spriggan's secret police, would round up those who dared to fight for their freedom, ensuring they would vanish forever. It happened because a Lieutenant betrayed him while he sent her company to quell a revolt in Achaemenid Persia. During the subsequent battle, it is said she disappeared without a trace. Some even went so far as to suggest she died in the fighting. Nonetheless, Spriggan was confident no one had the gall to challenge his authority with her "death". But he would soon find out the rumors were false. In Alvarez, by contrast, life was good for the loyalist majority of the population. They enjoyed political and social rights not granted to Ishtarians in their own homeland. Alvarez's loyalists could assemble into political parties and become legislators in Spriggan's Parliamentary house. However, concealed amidst the bustling crowd of downtown Vistarion, there stood a mysterious figure, shrouded in a cloak. She was walking towards the Imperial Palace for an audience with Spriggan while he was out playing golf. At the golf course in the palace courtyard, she found him teeing his last hole. As the shot was fired, the cloaked figure dramatically unveiled herself, revealing none other than Beatrice Arpad, the once esteemed Lieutenant of Ishtar's occupying army under Spriggan's rule. Following the conclusion of the tournament, the emperor began preparations to depart for his office. However, to his astonishment, he found his once dependable commanding officer standing before him. You would think he would call for the palace guards, but he didn't.... yet. How could he? Beatrice's magical aura commanded silence, or he would suffer the consequences. So, he patiently waited for her to speak.Beatrice told him that she was unhappy with the way he ran the army. Corruption has become deeply embedded as the prevailing norm, enabling her former high-ranking bosses, who come from distinguished backgrounds, to exploit their wealth and avoid being held accountable. This is the reason she gave as to why she betrayed him during the rebellion in Achaemenid Persia. Spriggan did not care and called the guards anyway, despite her threats. She fled but was swiftly captured by a guard from Reiker's Island prison, where she was then placed in detention. Reiker's Island was filled with various types of prisoners, including political figures, serious criminals, murderers, and traitors, like her. Otto von Bismarck, known as a prison overseer, was an unsympathetic and ruthless ex-military commander who enjoyed inflicting pain on inmates without showing any remorse.He even laughed when he was informed about the high number of inmate suicides by his subordinates. During Beatrice's detention, there are reports indicating that she suffered sexual abuse at the hands of Bismarck and his subordinates. Despite her attempts to kill the warden, her conspiracies were foiled due to his constant protection by fellow military comrades. As a result, the sexual abuse intensified to an even greater extent. Abused relentlessly, Beatrice finally reached her breaking point and defiantly fled under the cover of darkness. The resounding absence of her presence during the delivery of breakfast startled a guard, compelling him to sound the alarm. Spriggan immediately offered a staggering bounty of one quadrillion dollars for her capture and execution, upon learning about her escape. A reward will be given to anyone who brings her lifeless body and head, with the money being deposited directly. Consequently, the entire population of Alvarez tirelessly scoured every corner, but unfortunately, they found no trace of her. Several individuals near capturing her were brutally slain, and their dismembered remains were mailed to the emperor. So, he called off the manhunt by his subjects and instead sent his secret police to arrest her. The Troublesome Twelve built an army of one hundred and thirty decillion men, enough to overwhelm Beatrice with numbers. But she disappeared without a trace. Those who encountered her while she was foraging were mercilessly killed and their bodies were disposed of in a basin filled with concentrated sodium hypochlorite, along with their clothes. The entire Empire was well aware of its highly corrosive nature. Concentrated Sodium Hypochlorite would ruthlessly dissolve the flesh of its victims until nothing remained. The Twelve arrived at the scene only to find that she had already left. Despite their anger, they intensified their search, but she managed to consistently elude them. General LeClerc used a powerful magic spell that resulted in a mushroom cloud explosion. The explosion wiped out the surrounding villages completely, leaving only his comrades alive amidst the devastation. This made it considerably simpler to track down the elusive traitor. However, she cunningly fled to the coast and boarded a ship bound for Ishtar before they could apprehend her. LeClerc's attack on Dover caused loss of lives and destroyed the town. Thus, it was left as a ghost town, but the Twelve did not care. They just continued the search in the next town down the highway, but they discovered Beatrice was out of the country. So, they teleported to Ishtar and searched all over for her. Again, she cunningly evaded them as she headed east to Achaemenid Persia where she allegedly faked her "death". At the Euphrates River Valley, some three hundred kilometers from Hercules, she challenged LeClerc to a one-on-one duel with magic. In mythology, the day of the duel was a momentous occasion. Jupiter, known as the King of the Gods in Roman Catholic mythology, held sway over the outcome. The one who possessed the strongest spell had the ability to eliminate their opponent, free from any moral consequences. So, they fought for hours without stopping. The battle didn't end until LeClerc was beheaded and mutilated without mercy. After winning the duel, she generously extended the same fair treatment to the remaining eleven secret police officers who were unjustly forced upon her. Five begged for mercy from her sexual abuse, but she ignored their pleas. To the astonishment of everyone, the rest of them remained completely composed, displaying no emotion on their faces, until she escalated the attack by ten times, ultimately compelling them to yield. And so, the Troublesome Twelve met their demise in Ishtar. She sent the disfigured bodies of the Twelve to the Prime Minister's office through the mail. He passionately berated the emperor, vehemently condemning him for being responsible for their tragic demise. Emperor sacked the PM from his post and ordered him to leave the imperial palace and the country in forty-eight hours. If he stayed beyond the deadline, Spriggan will order his death. When the sun rose on the second day, Spriggan searched for the former PM in his office. He expected it to be empty, but it wasn't, so he unsheathed his magic sword then slit his throat while the PM was asleep. He awoke immediately screaming in pain as he endured the transformation into a demon. Afterwards, he turned to Spriggan and roared in his face. But the Emperor remained stoic. A powerful black aura surrounded him commanding submission, but the demon did not bow. So Spriggan opened his book hidden inside his purple robes, then unleashed a terrible spell. A red-hot chain wrapped around the demon, branding him with the letter T for traitor. He howled in pain but charged anyway to eat the emperor and ravage his dead carcass with his terrible claws. But the demon was slain by a powerful slash of Spriggan's sword. Using Devil Slayer's Magic, the Emperor continuously tortured the demon after it died. Spriggan then marched to his balcony for a press conference with the state-owned media, WAAS on 94.7 FM. This was the opportunity Ishtar had been waiting for. Rebellions immediately popped up everywhere on the continent, draining Spriggan's resources for an invasion deep in Alakitasian territory. So he sent fifty thousand of his best soldiers to quell the rebellions once and for all. They were allowed to completely decimate the continent as they did their job. But the rebels did not care about the devastation, using their fallen comrades as martyrs. Beatrice joined the rebels as their commander-in-chief and overthrew each puppet government installed by the Emperor. When Fiore was the last to be liberated in the land, Spriggan was angry. He had completely lost control of Ishtar, for good. So he took his anger out on his own soldiers by conducting a purge of the military. These high-ranking officers, after being convicted of treason, went through a series of intense trials that ultimately transformed them into sinister creatures. As a result, they now suffer eternal torment trapped within the confines of their own personal library.Eventually, the people too were turned into demons. The remaining imperial population united and successfully rebelled against Spriggan, resulting in a violent civil war. Ultimately, Spriggan was executed, leading to the complete dissolution of the imperial government. After the monarchy was invalidated, Alvarez's once glorious empire dwindled to that of a feeble city-state governed by a democracy. The citizens made a grave mistake when they chose a weak President to lead the newly formed City-State of Vistarion. The devastating mistake served as a catalyst for the neighboring kingdom's tribe to effortlessly conquer and seize control. They soon emerged as the Neo-Assyrians, the unrivaled force within the Kingdom of Neo-Assyria. They slaughtered the population who still lived in Vistarion, replacing them with their own people. Thus, the once mighty Alvarez Empire met its downfall, while Ishtar emerged triumphantly, reclaiming its former grandeur. Moreover, Fiore underwent a remarkable metamorphosis under the reign of King Michael I, who assumed the throne as the eldest nephew of the late King Nero. He rebuilt his country economically and politically, bringing it back to its heyday. Despite his uncle's rivalry against the Achaemenids, he continued the conflict after his uncle's death. The throne was then passed on to his son, Prince Ozai after Michael's funeral. The rivalry between the two countries persisted throughout the Late Middle Ages. In the end, the medieval world did not experience lasting peace. They desperately needed guidance from someone strong enough to not fall victim to manipulation by Shah Darius the Great. He was infamous for being very manipulative at home and abroad. The noble satraps were cowed into submission, after he allegedly grew paranoid of a conspiracy by them. It is said he murdered the Satrap of Sogdiana in the Far East without mercy, during his fits of paranoia. But he did not care, he just laughed at his people's horrified expressions. They hired Beatrice, a famous mercenary in Ishtar, to kill Darius and save the Empire his late father left him. Using her God Slayer's Magic, she transformed him into a demigod monster and mercilessly killed the beast. To secure her position, she compelled the Satrap of Bactria to accept a marriage alliance with his eldest son, warning of potential military consequences if he declined. Empress Beatrice I and her husband shared power, and they had a son who was a majestic Prince. Xerxes I, also referred to as Xerxes the Great, gained expertise in governance, economics, philosophy, law, political science, history, sociology, literature, music, art history, architecture, biology, taxonomy, chemistry, physics, warfare, and religion due to his privileged upbringing. He learned how to read and write in Persian from a Zoroastrian priest, attended religious sermons, and understood how to use the satraps for his own benefit. Even though the marriage was strained between husband and wife. After the birth of Xerxes, the Empress made a decision to have several male concubines at her side, graciously sharing her sovereignty with them. Nevertheless, she harbored deep-seated suspicions towards men as a whole. She even divorced her husband and had him executed because, one of her concubines said he was trying to kill her to gain the throne. The situation escalated into a heated argument between the father and daughter-in-law, leading to an unexpected expedition to Bactria. With great courage, she fearlessly led her enormous army of seventy vigintillion men and commanded her loyal allies to bravely cross the challenging Jaxartes River Valley. Their objective was to conquer her father-in-law's satrapy. He met a gruesome fate when she mercilessly mutilated all of his limbs. She showed no mercy when she did the same to her mother-in-law, and the Satrapy of Bactria was ruthlessly plundered. After the dreadful raid came to an end, she returned to Hercules bearing millions of dollars in plunder. She conscientiously divided the spoils amongst her soldiers and subsequently among the women leaders of her allied states in Minstrel. Once Xerxes had been sent off to college, the time had finally come for her to step away from the world of politics and retire. Meanwhile, Xerxes diligently earned his law degree and triumphantly returned home as a proud college graduate, soon to be crowned as King Xerxes I. As for the previous empress, she gracefully resided in her grand family mansion on the outskirts of Hercules, living a life of peace and comfort. Sadly, one night she passed away, leaving a void in the hearts of many. In honor of her memory and the impact she had on their lives, King Xerxes made a profound decision - he commanded a priest from the esteemed Catholic Church of Ishtar to bestow sainthood upon her, forever immortalizing her legacy. The story of Saint Beatrice's life comes to an end, but even after her and Saint Xerxes' death, the Achaemenids managed to thrive. A family tradition of law or economics majors produced wise Shahanshahs and Empresses who looked out for their people. The world lived happily ever after, forevermore.


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