The notorious Balam Alliance's fall from grace and subsequent collapse

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In comparison to centuries ago under Greek rule, the medieval world in the year 876 lacked significant progress and development. The Greek-owned trade outposts, once prosperous, now lie deserted or under the dominance of what the Greeks called barbarian tribes. The Sarmatians were a union of horseback-riding nomadic tribes known as a confederation. Motivated by the relentless and dire effects of climate change, they bravely embarked on an extraordinary and captivating journey across the remote steppes of the ancient Near East, a hidden gem nestled in the vast expanses of Asia. Relinquishing their ancestral homeland, they embarked on an adventure of a lifetime. The significant drying out of the steppes is widely attributed to climate change, which is widely recognized as the main cause of the notable decrease in rainfall. Their homelands have transformed into vast, parched deserts, rendering them unsuitable for the Sarmatians and their cherished equestrian pursuits. They left in search of opportunity in Alakitasia and in Ishtar, but with mixed success. Although the Sarmatians were able to find work as herdsmen or farmers, they regrettably had to confront the harsh truth of racism. The wages of native Alakitasian and Ishtarian agriculturalists were ten times higher than theirs. The confederation became divided when a portion of its members chose to remain, seeing it as their sole opportunity, while others opted to migrate to the city, drawn by the prospect of employment in the bustling factories. In response, the High Chief of the Sarmatian tribe expelled the urban dwellers from the community, as they left in pursuit of a more prosperous life in the city.

Nonetheless, they found better opportunities in the urban areas of Ishtar and of Alakitasia. They embraced a multitude of professions, such as politics, law, legislation, judiciary, military, law enforcement, finance, education, bakery, construction, maintenance, plumbing, electrical work, and scientific research. In their new roles, their salaries skyrocketed a hundredfold compared to their humble beginnings as farmers. Sarmatian migrant workers, even though banished from their society, display extraordinary loyalty by diligently sending a considerable portion of their earnings back to their ancient homeland of Sarmatia. This money was used to rebuild the infrastructure of their homeland and to help those in need. The act stood as an enduring symbol of the Sarmatians' unyielding devotion and deep connection to their homeland, extending far beyond their forced departure. The migrant workers seamlessly adjusted to the urban lifestyle in Ishtar and Alakitasia. Some resided in Vistarion Town, the capital of the Alvarez Empire. Consequently, Spriggan demanded nothing less than absolute respect, as if he were the sacred heir of the gods. In addition, their sons were conscripted into the army after they graduated from college. Alvarez has not been engulfed in a war for decades, despite its reputation as a militaristic nation. The migrant workers have integrated well into the Alvarez Empire and are now considered part of the Alvarez family. Migrant workers and their children have been warmly embraced, quickly becoming an indispensable presence in Alvarez's vibrant culture. The bond between the two nations has grown stronger, cultivating a powerful sense of unity among the devoted citizens of the Imperial Monarchy. The intermingling of Sarmatian and Alvarethian customs resulted in a harmonious blend, as Sarmatian mothers intertwined with Alvarethian fathers and vice versa through matrimony. Nonetheless, they generously shared their wealth with the poor claiming it was an act in the Emperor's name. The shared sense of unity and generosity cultivated a powerful bond between the two communities, a symbol of unyielding unity that endures to this very day. The proud citizens of the Imperial Monarchy continue to cherish their abundant heritage and wholeheartedly strive to foster peace and cultivate mutual understanding across their realms. Unfortunately, not everyone shared this acceptance of Sarmatian workers in the Empire.

The influx of immigrants pouring into the borders of Alvarez greatly displeased the nobles. Consequently, they resolutely took action and fervently petitioned the Emperor to enforce rigorous restrictions that aspiring visitors had to fulfill prior to their entry into the country. Despite Spriggan's initial disagreement, the nobles issued a menacing ultimatum, warning of an impending civil war if a resolution was not reached before the next court assembly. After they left the Imperial Palace, the Emperor was furious. He ordered the Troublesome Twelve to launch a secret punitive expedition into noble estates in the countryside. They complied, and by the conclusion of their adventure, nearly all the noble families living within the Empire had been eradicated. The Emperor was pleased with the outcome, and declared an end to the conflict. Spriggan was relieved, and celebrated with other members of the Troublesome Twelve. They had become heroes of the realm, and the empire was at peace. In addition, all the immigrant workers sang praises in their honor during national holidays such as Memorial Day. This fostered a close relationship where the Twelve protected their interests against the nobility, and they would receive praise for their loyalty to their constituents in return. This arrangement allowed the common people to have a sense of security, knowing that they had a group of heroes who would protect their interests. The actions reinforced the connection between the Twelve and the citizens, fostering a harmonious distribution of power within the empire. In the end, the close bond between the Twelve and the people resulted in enhanced stability within the Empire of Alvarez, as well as a fairer dispersal of power.

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