Chapter 99Z-22A

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Ishgar, a continent on the eastern side of the world, was in some aspects unique from its western counterpart, Alakitasia. While they both were inhabited by a diverse society of languages, cultures, and ways of life (with the Sumerian language, culture, religion, and beliefs as a native example in the western continent ), Ishgarian society tended to be democratic, to an extent even if nobody would tell you, should you ask. Everyone had the power to shape their own destinies, if they so wished. However, not everyone had the opportunity and the freedom to do that. If you owned a lot of wealth to your name or if you came from a wealthy family, you can shape your own destiny without much fuss. A noble or a wealthy businessperson's closest relative (son, daughter, grandson/daughter, great-nephew/niece, nephew or niece, cousin, sibling-legitimate or not) could expect to find themselves as a member in the magical government of Fiore, the Magic Council, without question. All it took was familial connections.

Aside from social differences, Ishgar and Alakitasia had distinct cultural customs. People on the western continent were extremely superstitious, thinking that events occurred as a result of natural forces. The birth of a child was explained using traditional views in mythical beings who made the child and then gave it to the expecting parents. Of course, some people thought that people perished because it was their time to die. As a result, when they die, everything they own will be legally and culturally passed down to their offspring. Life in Alakitasia was a blessing that was widely honored in every way you can imagine. However, their rivals in the eastern continent had an opposite viewpoint on life. On one hand, an Ishgarian would agree with the fact that it was a blessing that should be celebrated, after one dies. But here's where the Ishgarian viewpoint and Alakitasian viewpoint butt heads: in the western continent, your work before you retired was celebrated by your countrymen, as long as it benefitted society in every way. Ishgar however, did not believe in honoring those who came from past generations. Instead, they were concerned with the future generations. Thus the two continents had a political, social, cultural, and ideological competition that would only end with one triumphant over the other.

Ishgar was made of several kingdoms that bordered one another while Alakitasia, was made of just one country encompassing the entire landmass called the Empire of Alvarez. One continent was bigger than the other. But they were equal in prestige. Despite its geographic shape as a peninsula, Ishgar was just as prestigous a continent as its rival, Alakitasia. Like the two continents' rivalry, there was a competition of nationalistic pride between the Pergrande Kingdom in the East and the Kingdom of Fiore in the West. Society in Fiore was egalitarian by socioeconomic status, to an extent. Everyone had the power to shape their own destinies, if they so wished. However, not everyone had the opportunity. If you owned a lot of wealth to your name or if you came from a wealthy family, you can shape your own destiny without much fuss. A noble or a wealthy businessperson's closest relative (son, daughter, grandson/daughter, great-nephew/niece, nephew or niece, cousin, sibling-legitimate or not) could expect to find themselves as a member in the magical government of Fiore, the Magic Council, without question. All it took was familial connections.

A/N: [I will show this in a new chapter]

Meanwhile, everyone else with very limited amounts of wealth, unfortunately, had to struggle just to make ends meet. What gave them hope to live on was the norm that struggle promotes social and economic prosperity. It was repressive, yes, but not as repressive as in the country of Pergrande. In the eastern kingdom, the country's royal family tended to favor those with a lot of class, more than those with a limited amount. After all, the country has a long history of social competition between rich and poor that the royal family (in a rather sneaky manner) takes advantage of. When you are next in line for the throne of Pergrande, you were expected to participate in the norm of appeasing the masses, thereby playing the interests of the rich and poor against each other. This competition often boils over after your coronation as ruler of Pergrande, leading to intense political intrigue. Unfortunately the king or queen of Pergrande was not allowed to show it through their behavior and body posture, so an illusion is created of rich people and poor people living in joyful harmony. In a way, Pergrande's society is similar to the Alvarez Empire in Alakitasia. Everyone knew their station in life, so they were expected to act like it, until they retire. But while elders in Pergrande (and all Ishgar) were sidelined by younger generations, Alvarethian elders were celebrated for their life's work.

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