Legend 4 (Continued)

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Last time...you discovered something tragic to your family. So after you buried them, you traveled the Pergrande Kingdom in search of a worthy master. You  eventually found one in Thor, King of the Lightning Dragons, who taught you Dragon Slaying Magic, Dragon culture, and the extinct Draconic language called Latin. You parted ways then found another teacher by the name of Odysseus, King of the Ethereal and Water Demons. With him, you learned nearly the same thing, only demonic in nature.
Here you were in Rome, capital of Pergrande. You traveled here to make a name for yourself as a hero, so you sat for the magic licensing exams. After 3 months of waiting, you heard back from the examiners as they congratulated you for passing with flying colours. Your name was [Y/N] McCain, an orphaned Lightning Dragon Slayer and Ethereal and Water Devil Slayer. Your first mission as a licensed wandering mage is to capture a human trafficker named Bora in Fiore. So you set out for the train station then board a train bound for Minstrel.
When you arrive, you buy a ferry ticket to Hargeonin Fiore, the location of your Century Quest. Unfortunately, Bora was stubborn, so you had no choice but to use force. Threatening to cut his arms,he surrendered instantly. You were now on a train train headed home.  You reported your quest as complete in front of the King. It's a temporary peace treaty, but you had a hunch it will never last forever. So you leave for your next mission.

After 5 years of working with the government, you then left on parental leave. But really, you were plotting your vengeance. Within a month's time, you would infiltrate the royal palace as a recruit for royal bodyguard,  then lock the door to the throne room for privacy, when the king welcomed you. Finally, you strike and avenge your family. The end. Right? Wrong. The infiltration part was easy, but the King was no pushover. So you had to fight with everything you had. It was eventually enough to kill him, so you spread panic throughout the kingdom.  The rest of Ishgar watched as you dragged the kingdom into civil war against your rivals' champions for the throne. Your champion was a teen named David, son of Jesse who wwas a shepherd. When he won his battle against Goliath, David was crowned King the next day. Then he appointed you to Prime Minister. Your job was to maintain useful international allianceswith everyone, except the Baram Alliance.  So, you set out on a preemptive strike. First, a demon supremacist dark guild called Tartaros was disbanded, after your succesful raid which destroyed their guilf. Then a guild of pirates, drug and human traffickers called Grimoire Heart, infamous for their cocaine trade networks. In the end, your family has had the justice they deserved. The King was dead but you destroyed the top 2 guilds in the alliance. You turn your wrath against Phsntom Lord, the last dark guild in the big three.  When the guildmaster of the last remaining guild tried to kidnap a child,  you raided Phantom  Lord in retaliation.  Ordinary mages did not survive, but the elite Element Four was harder to defeat. In the end, the guildhall burned down and all the survivors were arrested.  So you stabilized the kingdom after years of civil strife. For years, your people affectionately called you a Saint. It would remain after you peacefully pass on in your sleep. You were 102. Despite your death, the Kingdom continued to grow economically through trade with Fiore. It was invaded by the Alvarez Empire in Alakitasia, but the invasion was repelled.  Your kingdom would continue to grow as your descendants rose to the throne, fell, then passed it on to their heirs.

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