The Adventures of [Y/N] Part 2

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You had come back from war in Ishgar a distinguished veteran and you surpassed your parents and grandparents, by defeating the archrivals of the Alvarez Empire, Fiore. The Emperor gave you medals and honorary titles in return for your valiant service, then you walked home expecting a big welcome by your family. Only you found your mansion empty and when you walked in the front door, you saw your mother, father, cousins, uncles, aunts, granduncle, grandaunt, and your grandparents' bodies. 


The women were shot first from oldest to youngest, according to your neighbor, then the men. You discovered that you were sent to war as a distraction from the Emperor's evil deeds, not because he needed you to serve. So you buried your family, with the emotionless grace befitting a nobleman. 1 week has passed since you went into mourning, you were cleaning up your relatives' bedrooms when you stumbled upon an old piece of paper. You read it over and discovered it was a will, your parents' will to be precise. Should the previous head of the family manor pass on, the keys will legally fall to you. So, your parents were the Lord and Lady of the manor as you grew up, but now that they were killed, you're the owner. You were no idiot, you knew it could not be maintained by your lonesome. So you hired some new househelps to take care of it in your absence. As time and space went by, your heart could not take anymore betrayal. So you locked it away deep within your soul, never to open it again. Externally, your expression had darkened from stoic to a cold scowl. Your fellow nobles looked at you with fear, everytime you attended a private gathering of nobles. It was not your dark expression they feared the most, it was your temper. One day, there was a gala at an amphitheater in downtown Vistarion. The Emperor invited you as a special guest, but you knew better. All was well when you arrived until disaster struck. A pompous nobleman had drank too much wine, so he started throwing insults at your family. The other nobles gasped in horror as an audible Crash! can be heard. In your rage, you clenched your fist so hard that your drank shattered to pieces and spilled on your clothes. Looking at yourself in horror, your bad mood had only worsened as a visible stain appeared on your favorite dress shirt. But you held it all inside and the tension slowly wore off. But not for long, no siree. When the gala had almost reached its conclusion, the same nobleman did not learn his lesson.  He insulted your parents and worse still, questioned your right to own your family's fiefdom. It was the straw that broke the camel's back with an audible SNAP. You lunged at him, threatening to kill him as the other nobles held you back. But they were stopped by the Emperor who looked at your brawl with interest. The nobleman and you fought viciously using hand-to-hand combat, until you started using magic. He tried to form a shield but it was for naught, your blast of magic cut through his shield and slammed him to the wall. He begged for forgiveness as he tried to stand, but he was too weak and you were too angry to forgive. So you clutched the back of his head and smashed it against the floor again and again, until his face turned to mush, killing him mercilessly. The other nobles were shocked to see you kill a fellow noble then shrug it off, so it wasn't long until they whispered insults behind your back. But little did they know, you heard them call you a murderer with your sharp sense of hearing. You can smell the scent of fear and contempt, so you turned to them with a glare. It said, "What are you looking at?"

The nobles were afraid but they continued hurling insults at you, so you finally snapped and screamed at them, telling them to shut up in your mothertounge or you'll kill them. [A/N: As a child, your mother frequently spoke to you in English, but you started talking to her and your mother's parents, aunt, and uncle in Spanish at thirteen.] The nobles ran away from you screaming for help but you stopped them before they could exit through the door. From this moment, it was a gruesome massacre. Of all the nobles that were invited then attended the gala, none survived your [justified] wrath. The Emperor just applauded and laughed at your show, but you were not fooled. He was very paranoid of you and your power. So your natural scowl morphed into a sinister smirk and you mocked him relentlessly, calling him a coward. The Emperor's smile ran away, replaced by a contemptous glare as he slowly unleashed his magical aura. So the stage was set, for a soldier betrayed by his country, was rebelling. Who do you think would win? 

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