7. Strawberries & Cream

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I personally don't mind formal events and am not uncomfortable in my tuxedo, but I am anxious, and Max seems on edge ever since we arrived back in Pinewood. He's probably tired from traveling because I know I am. Jet lag is real and as werewolves hate flying as it is. Unfortunately, we didn't get to nap today, but that's on me. I should have chosen an earlier flight, but I wanted to avoid my mom and sister if only for a day. If only I had known what tonight would bring me beforehand because I surely wasn't expecting to find my mate here in Pinewood.

I can't go to her right away because as the future Alpha I have to stand and greet our visitors alongside my father. As our guests arrive and start to fill the dining hall as mom stresses out about last minute details. It's Lucy's eighteenth birthday. Not her mating or Luna ceremony, so everything is a bit overkill if you ask me. Mom always wants the best though, even when it's completely unnecessary. I roll my eyes and think that the Luna for me will be more practical and not have the habit of spending so frivolously.

There are peacocks roaming the grounds. PEACOCKS. Good Goddess.

" At least the food will be good" Max chimes in then retreats just as fast. He's so moody even with the news of finding our mate. He's probably just hungry too on top of being tired and I know he doesn't want to embarrass me or her by claiming and marking her in public. It is meant to be a private and intimate affair and with how long I've waited for her I'm glad at least one of us is in control. That snack I had earlier was garbage and didn't fill me in the slightest and I'm going to devour whatever we are served for dinner. I can have one of each option, right? I'm a growing boy after all.

I stand near the front door to greet current and future Alphas with my father. I know and get along with the Alphas that are close by, and I became friends with many of the up and coming Alphas of while at school. The event is only hosting werewolves and I'm not surprised there aren't other species here. I know my dad and I are more progressive, but mom oversaw the invitations and she's an old bitty who wouldn't have invited the Betas and Gammas if dad hadn't made her.

Dad is telling me to relax since he's picking up on my tension when Alpha Mason and his son Eric walk in, and I immediately stiffen up even more. Max growls inside my head at those scum bags. I can't be openly aggressive, or the Alphas here will take it as a challenge. There's no need to get in an unwarranted fight my first day back. Plus, I would have to deal with the consequences for acting out so irrationally.

I don't like either of them at all and neither does my wolf. As fast as Max makes his distaste known he retreats just as quickly holding on to the little self-control I know he's feeling right now. I will be keeping an eye on Alpha Mason and Eric due to the many red flags that suggest they support the Rogue Alliance. I want nothing more to leave and stand by my mate to protect her in this moment.

Alpha Mason speaks with a smirk," Alpha Jack congratulations on your daughter's coming of age, my son Eric is excited to see if they could be mates." He then looks to me with contempt in his eyes and states how I must be excited to take over as Alpha soon.

My father stays composed as he shakes both of their hands to politely welcome them to the celebration. I can feel the anger radiating off his aura and directing it to them due to their lifelong rivalry despite the formalities they must perform in the public eye. He hasn't yet told me what has caused the rift between them, but I'm sure he will soon when I take over.

I look at Eric again and am unimpressed with how he presents himself. He is a decent sized Alpha male but knowing how he behaved at school disgusts me. He absolutely did not wait for his mate and treated the professors poorly during lectures. He also made an Omega teacher's aide cry at the school for whatever reason.

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