24. Luna Queen

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The school being destroyed is such a shocker. Nobody saw it coming, but that's the point, right? Whoever was behind this knew exactly what they were doing and how to make an impact. My heart hurts for all the lives lost because of the war that is starting. Many beings are innocent in this and didn't deserve such a catastrophic death. The Alphas that were found that we have taken in no longer have any family or anyone they grew up knowing where they are originally from. Perhaps our trackers can find some of them if they want to be found or they will make their way to Pinewood on their own. As strong as Alpha blooded beings are many of them fell because of the bomb and the fires, we all have our limits, and it makes me wonder if there is something more to the makeup of the assault.

So many devastating things happened that day and it was all too much to cover up, so the human faction reported it on the regular news as it was too major to keep out of the human world. It would have been too difficult to tone it down along with the fires that were scattered throughout the world. All of this is crazy. Liam and I think it is connected to the missing females and what we have discussed with Eric confirms our suspicions, to an extent. There is a lot of information we still don't know at this point but the Goddess, as cryptic as she is, gave me enough insight for the brief moments she came to visit me. Eric has been our best insider during his time at Clover Incorporation and he is heading here soon due to some changes with his leverage there. I know Liam hates him, but Eric and I are connected, and I intend to find out how at some point. It can't be coincidental we both feel so close to one another despite some of the awkward history between us.

The Goddess said there was a greater evil coming for us the night before the school for leaders crumbled down. Now I wonder if she means conflict within her own children or some outside force because she has also mentioned other Gods and keeping our faith in her strong. I mean there is more than just her as a deity because humans weren't made by Eden and there are also demons, which I've heard were originally angels until they continued reproducing and became only demons by blood. Angels are real too supposedly, but only humans believe in those as nobody I know in the supernatural world has ever seen one. I'm not sure which other deities the Goddess is trying to warn us about, but she did mention I need to trust the moon, follow the stars, be guided by the moon. In terms of Gods, she is responsible for the moon, Helios reigns over the sun and Asteria is the keeper of the stars so I'm not sure if these are the deities on her side or not.

I still can't believe that Carrion City is owned by the human faction is the meeting place for these disgusting beings for their auction ring. It seems the humans forced their way into our world only to behave this way. Vile and disgusting. Unfortunately, at this time we can't change the way things are currently ran between all the species. Yet. No matter what things must change, not for just those poor women that are taken, but for everyone else too. I can't imagine the horrors they must face with the uncertainty of their future and I'm willing to bet that those that buy them are not nice in nature or treat them well. How immoral and unethical for anyone to think that's okay. How can these people justify owning another life like that? Do they not imagine these creatures in a sense it could be their own daughter?

I shake off my thoughts before the bile reaches my throat, calming myself by remembering that we have been able to help some of them thanks to Eric and the information he's able to provide. He has brought to us several females after he saved them from facing that unfortunate fate. Liam and I have been welcomed with open arms as we helped them to adjust to living here, but so many weren't saved and that makes me queasy. Some of the females were able to return to their homes, while others stayed with us because they came forth saying it was their own flesh and blood that sold them. I couldn't believe that coming from a loving family and it makes me sick to know there are mothers and fathers who don't care about their own children.

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