49. A Trip Around the Sun

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I hold back a laugh at the expression Danny has on his face when she tells him to shut up. He just asked a question, and her response was extreme. From what I just witnessed and the paleness of her face indicated the relationship between her and Elijah was most definitely personal f. Do I even want to know? Yes, I'm curious as fuck. Will I ask her? Absolutely not.

Neither of us stood up for Danny as she scolded him for just now for asking a question, which we should have. And no question is simple to a woman. Danny reacted like a true Alpha would though, which is applauding since he was raised as Gamma despite his bloodline. I wouldn't be offended if he threw me a punch or two later when we get home. I truly want to know how Elijah disappeared so swiftly too.

The meeting didn't go quite as I had expected it to since there wasn't a fight leading to many deaths, and the infamous Elijah is still alive despite how many times Avril said she was going to take his life. I'm not sure how she planned on killing him though. This demi-god is seriously trying to push demons into our lives like it's a grand idea and we can all take a walk in the park while holding hands together like the best of friends. What does he plan to gain from this because from my experience and what I've learned about history there has never been a positive side to mingling with the demon population. How are all these Alphas being fooled so easily?

I have the nagging feeling that she won't be the one to end him because she is too emotionally involved with whatever happened in their past though. Max barks in agreement as we start thinking about that dessert they served at the end of the meeting. Is the purple goo related to Elijah too since the dessert was filled with that substance found on those dead rogues at our border? Luca and I both agree that it is too coincidental, especially since Elijah is the CEO of Clover Incorporated and is above that Lucian DeVille guy. I'm relieved that I happened to walk by and slap it out of Danny's way before he had the chance to take a bite, although I don't think he would have. I wanted to be sure he didn't just in case though. Nobody else in our group wanted to touch the stuff after that and now I'm glad that we ate beforehand instead of the food and drink that was served here. None of us had a drop of the alcohol either. Come to think of it the Alphas that didn't agree with implementing a demon faction didn't drink or eat anything from this event either. There must be a connection there and this purple goo must act as a controlling agent, or something.

We left as soon as possible and booked the first flight out of there back to Pinewood after we checked out of the hotel. Plus, we all missed our homes and mates aside from Danny and Luca who get to work together although I'm not entirely sure I'm jealous of that. As much as flying sucks ass as it is, it is even worse that this is going to be a red eye flight back to our homes, but this time we aren't coach since Mark got us first class somehow thank the Goddess and I don't even care how much it cost. We all nestled into the roomier seats of the cabin, and I considered purchasing my own jet for times like these, but nah, I don't plan on traveling ever again at least not overseas if I can help it.

I'm settling in my seat when I hear some words that catch my attention, much to my dissatisfaction since all I want to do is rest until we get back home.

"Try to relax while we are flying, we don't need a huge thunderstorm to cause turbulence while these werewolves are on the plane with us and scaring them silly. They can be brave but are also very wimpy baby. You know that." Alec says to Avril earning him a soft chuckle in response from the ice queen herself.

What the fuck? Those assholes. I'm kind of mad, but it is funny too and sweet how he's trying to help calm his one and only from tonight's events. I could have done without overhearing that though besides who are they calling a wimp anyway? I know I am strong, but I'm curious about how she can affect the weather with her emotions. No wonder, it rained for a week straight when it wasn't even rainy season and other bizarre weather patterns that we have had at Pinewood which don't normally occur. I am interested what ticks her off, but I'll have to observe her since asking her is out of the question. It is now obvious she must not be as level with her emotions as we all think she is. I wonder if she will get it if I start calling her crabby, or Sebastian, or Seb for short as a nickname for her hard exterior and soft insides. Max snickers at my thoughts and we wonder what else can this Nephilim do outside of that and being pretty much indestructible?

I hear Luca laugh quietly at their banter while my fellow werewolves have anger seething through their auras as they hold back growls of disagreement. Shifting right now is not ideal and even though it's true that we dislike flying we are also too afraid to fight her, but they shouldn't be attacking our egos like that. I tell the boys to relax as well as they can since she's had a hard day and remind them of our very public setting. Then attempt to ignore the rest of their conversation as I close my eyes so I can get some sleep after my inflight meal. Hopefully the time goes by quickly until I can hold Scarlett in my arms again and give her a morning treat. Unfortunately, it takes longer that I'd like to fall asleep, but eventually I'm out to the world as the sounds around me die out.

Tap, tap, tap...

I groan as I stretch my limbs after being woken up to a soft yet strong force tapping my forehead only to see that the Goddess is standing above me when I open my eyes. I raise my eyebrow questioningly at her presence and take in my surroundings realizing I'm in her garden. Alright, so I'm still asleep and she is still around. I can't imagine what she could want since it took her long enough to show up after my countless pleas to the heavens for her.

"You're in for quite the surprise when you return home Liam. You're the key to defeating Elijah you and Scarlett just need to work together completely to accomplish this goal." I didn't realize how deep her voice was before, yet feminine and I sigh at her cryptic explanation of things. Some things never change it seems and I barely catch the object she throws at me which appears to be a vial that is filled with what looks like the milky way of the galaxy. She begins explaining that we both need to drink one half of the contents, whatever it is, when the time is right. Before I can ask when that would be and what this crap is Mark is shaking me awake letting me know we have landed and can exit the plane. Max doesn't get it either, but he said he enjoyed running there and drinking from the lake and it felt like it gave him some extra strength or something, but I think he's just excited to have seen the Goddess.

Still baffled by my experience I clumsily, yet excitedly grab my carryon luggage and head toward the exit as an SUV from Pinewood pulls up. We all pile inside with haste minus Alec and Avril who are flying back by using his wings because he claims he needs to stretch them out. When I open the door and sit in the luxurious leather seat no other than Peter and his new sidekick Argo the Alpha Dragon greet us with a nod to take us back home. I briefly wonder how well they work together since they have similar personalities and neither of them speak often, so I fully expect the ride to be silent, yet Peter mentions a brief update to me.

"Alpha, it is good to see you come back so soon. I ensure you accomplished what you needed. There is nothing new to report and we still haven't figured out how Margaret and her mate escaped the cells."

That irritates me the second I hear it, but I'm pleased to hear that Michael and his team are continuing to work on things while I'm away with my Beta and Gammas. It is too weird that they escaped from their cells when it was magically enforced, so that tells me a deity has something to do with it, or someone within Pinewood let them out. This individual would also need to have the ability to reduce the barriers. I let out a sigh while the vehicle starts moving forward to our destination while Max paces in my head making me dizzy with his eagerness. Calm down, mutt!

I push my surprise at the fact Peter spoke down and settled myself into the seat to get as comfortable as possible. Max running wild in my head isn't helping and I can't figure out what his deal is. He hasn't said anything in response when I've asked him on multiple occasion during this drive either. I'm beginning to think that being a werewolf is actually a curse when it comes to your human side not being in sync with your wolf and vice versa. Max is driving me insane, and I want nothing more for him to either settle down. What gives with this pup!?

The closer we get to Pinewood Max becomes even more active inside my head and pants like a rabid animal. Look bud, I miss our mate too, but you need to settle down already good Goddess we will be there soon. Out of nowhere he tries to Alpha command me which makes me laugh although it hurt my head a little bit. "Try to mindlink Scarlett hooman" he says excitedly as if we aren't less than an hour away from our home.

Max that request is strange, and you know she hasn't been able to for a while now I as I chuckle replying to this crazed pup. "JUST DO IT HOOMAN."

Annoyed with his hysterical state I do what he says after calling him a raging asshole and to prevent an even worsening headache I have no desire to deal with, "Scarlett, can you hear me?"

Scarlett: Child of Crescent MoonWhere stories live. Discover now