32. Dirty Scoundrels

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Margaret is now wearing an oversized tee shirt thank the Goddess. I have the feeling she wanted me to see her tattoo since she smirked at me when I came back and avoided all eye contact with her as much as possible. She still doesn't smell like peonies, but the rogue stench is gone, which I find odd. She didn't take a full fledge shower last night but her mate and her were provided essentials to clean themselves up along with new clothing. Still her scent should smell like something yet right now she is undetectable to a wolf's nose.

I'm apologetic to my Beta and Gamma's since they must report for duty and have been taken awake from their newborn pups and a newly found mate bond. I got a week to spend with mine and yet duty calls out to them, which isn't fair but is necessary. At least on one end since vampires can pick up on who their mate is at birth. I applaud Luca for having self-control and being able to be respectful of his underage mate until he turned eighteen for sure. Luca has known since middle school when his family moved to the area that Danny was his and if it were me, I would have had the most difficult time holding back from my mate. He's proven he has patience through his strength and perseverance, no doubt. I suppose at the least the two of them are in the same room together right now in a professional capacity at least, so that may be somewhat comforting to them.

Mark is tired, yet energetic to be a part of the action and I'm not sure how long he can keep up when he has not only one but two new pups at home to care for. Scarlett has a stoic look on her face, but I can feel her annoyance through our mate bond because now she's further behind on the tasks she needed to check off today. I know for certain she would rather be elsewhere because she truly needed to meet with the Alphas, we took in a few weeks ago and take care of some other documents for Pinewood. There is always something for us to deal with it seems, but that is leadership whether you choose that path or are born into it. It isn't for the weak hearted by any means due to the sacrifices and hard work are that are mandatory. The reward is the fact most group members appreciate that they are well cared for by us.

Luca and Danny appear to be all business with their deadpan facial expressions and aren't showing in any form of public display of affection outside of a pinky hold they have going on that is subtle. My mind starts to wonder how they do things together since they are both male and is the intensity of their bond felt just as strongly as the way I experience my own bond with my mate?

"Focus, hooman, don't think about them and their sacred bond or sex life. You're a complete weirdo and I cannot even with you sometimes, Goddess." Max chides me. "Stalking and being jealous of Eric and now worrying about your Gamma's love life? You do know being an Alpha means protecting providing for your people not knowing every personal detail, right?"

Scarlett and I are holding hands to give each other strength through this ordeal, and I know it pisses Margaret off, but she can go crawl in a hole and die for all I care.

"Where did you get that tattoo Margaret?" I ask in a tone that leaves no room for my question to be unanswered. I know that special ink lined with silver must be used for a tattoo for it to stay on werewolf skin, so it doesn't heal up and disappear because of our abilities to shift and heal. I don't have any personally, but I've heard it hurts like a bitch, so if she willingly did this, she seriously has some balls on her, which is surprising. But then again, she has already proven that she is insane and completely off her rocker.

She remains quiet refusing to speak. I give her one last chance to come clean to us and when she doesn't, I nod toward Luca for him to begin doing his power thing. She winces at the pain of the mind breech with a look on her face that says she wishes she would have talked. After five minutes of trying Luca stops telling me that there is a block up regarding her tattoo and the only thing that he could see were gloved hands as the tattoo was being done and a deep masculine voice in the background commanding her that she is forbidden to tell anyone about this mark and why she has it. He mentioned she cried the entire time through the marking and from what he could it was forced upon her. I knew she wasn't that fearless. Luca didn't recognize the voice, but he will store it in his memory bank if he ever hears it again.

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