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Chaos has been having too much enjoyment wrecking the world. He has always been a spoiled child ever since his beginning. He may be the god of the void and brought the demon king to life, but I am no longer amused or interested in his disorder anymore. We all have our weaknesses and I'm certain I can stop him from further affecting me and the world. As a Goddess I am powerful, but there are limitations to what I can do, so I'll have to gather my alliances strategically.

I sit in my garden watching Pinewood through my looking glass. Things haven't gone exactly as planned and although my grandson is now dead it had to happen. He was too far gone and harming those we were meant to protect and guide. It is only a small victory though since there is a great force for my children to overcome. They have time to prepare as it will be the responsibility of their children to defeat.

They are thriving at Pinewood and Beatrix is as beautiful as her parents. I've already created mate bonds the children for a secure future. Vinnie comes from a strong line of vampires, and I've given him the gift of freezing time. I am certain it will come in handy in the future and it wasn't by luck that he was saved from Carrion City and placed in the care of the Pinewood Gamma family. Everything I have planned is coming together and there are only a few more pieces left to place before it can end.

I sigh in relief that my efforts are coming to fruition, only to feel a cold chill run up my spine. I know this sensation and it means Chaos has come to pay me a visit. He's a strong god and can break through my barriers at will only because he is the first to exist. He doesn't have absolute control over me, but he is an unwelcomed guest, nonetheless. I shouldn't have given him a second of my thoughts earlier to avoid his manifestation into my home.

"Eden." My name rolls of his tongue with such grace, only it disgusts me because of who he is and what he has done to me and my family. He traces his fingers up my arm before placing his tongue onto my neck. My god skin is untainted but if I were able to bear a mark it would be from Helios, the God of the sun, who also rules over humans. The love I chose before I decided to created bonds between two souls all those centuries ago.

"What is it you want Chaos?" I refrain from showing any emotion or fear. I can't let him get to me the way he wants to, and he is underserving of the satisfaction. He is the reason Helios, and my children are not with me. All the hurt and anger I feel toward him won't bring my lover or our biological children back regardless of how strong my efforts are.

"You know what I want, what I've always wanted, from everything, from you." He bares his fangs in a way to resemble a smile. It no longer affects me because while we were once close, we are no longer friends.

"I'm a patient God. Everything will return full circle and I'll have you again like I was meant to. The Sun and Moon don't belong together. The moon resides in the dark, you know. That's where you should be. By my side as fate intended."

I scoff at his words feeling teeth pierce through my flesh as his response, but not in a way to leave a mate mark. That requires consent from me as I'm the bond creator. In this moment I would say thank the Goddess to myself. He has always been one to have the desire for complete control and I know it enrages him not to. Chaos is delusional to believe that I could ever love him after everything he has done to me and my family.

"You know that isn't possible and after all this time it amazes me that you still can't see that." I walk away to sit on the rock overlooking the lake of my realm. The waters aren't calm and soothing, and the waves crash in anger against the shoreline as a reflection of my mood. I doubt he can put two and two together about the silver water and he finally leaves me after what feels like an eternity.

"Are you alright Eden," Marcus asks.

This archangel has been by my side for centuries. He's devoted his work and honor to me as his Goddess after the disappearance of Helios, his creator.

"Chaos is becoming more influential. We must stay focused on our goals and the prophecies that are meant to come."

He nods his head in agreement and sits beside me on the rock overlooking the lake. It begins to calm with soft waves rolling across the water as he tells me everything is in on course according to my plan.

Chaos will not win this game.

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