44. Doctor's Orders

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I'm sitting in my office and can't stop myself from thinking about my lovely mate because it is difficult not to think about her constantly. Especially when it comes to her safety. I had no experience in the medical field but trusted the doctor and his opinion on what would be best for Scarlett. I didn't fully agree with her going back to work right away, but he said it would be best to begin a daily routine to help spark back her memories. It hasn't worked unfortunately, and she has told me she doesn't like therapy sessions with him, but she's bonded with Beatrix at least and has accepted her fully as our pup. Thank the Goddess for that because I don't know how I would be able to handle her refusal of her own flesh and blood. The thought of her possibly doing that if they couldn't connect makes me growl while looking over documents for the pack. Mark looks at me questioningly and I shrug my shoulders in response as we both focus back to the work we need to complete.

Beatrix has been staying in her office while she works, but toddler wolves have so much energy and she is going to have to cave in and get a nanny for her soon. If I had my way, she would stop working altogether due to her forgetfulness affecting her efficiency performing her duties as both a mother and Luna. Scarlett doesn't know that I installed a security camera in her office so she can be monitored throughout the day. Although it is next door to mind there are times I must step out and attend to things in person. She's had some interesting behaviors lately to say the least.

Nine months have passed since we came back from Carrion City and Scarlett hasn't even begun to resolve yet back to her normal self it seems. She has gotten some memories back or at least accepts what she has been told about the past as truth. I've had to help her get dressed more often these days when I find her sitting on the bed looking at a pair of socks as if they were the world's next wonder. She talks to herself on a regular basis too as in full-fledged conversations. The most concerning to me is how she been wandering the hallways unable to remember where she was going or doing.

It is almost as if her mind isn't there anymore like she's a ghost in a shell. There are positives amid everything I suppose since she no longer rubs on her wrist and has completely stopped humming that annoying melody. Our intimacy is also hit or miss because there are days she is overly affectionate, while others she avoids me at all costs. Although, sometimes I don't feel the connection to her as if she is truly my Scarlett.

This entire thing has been a learning process trying to navigate through all the information I can and cannot share with her. I picked up a pattern to her responses to thing and understood which topics I should avoid speaking of. When it comes to saving the world, she no longer has a role because I won't allow her to be an active participant anymore. She was unavailable for two days and complained of a migraine headache after I brought up how the demons were thankfully blocked-in hell through the portal created inside the leadership meeting building. Anything involving the war of the gods would give her a headache too. It clicked in my brain this information was what triggers her when she asked me about the scar on her shoulder, and she was out for five days once hiding away in our room. Savvy still hasn't shown back up either and she has survived without her wolf so far. Maybe death isn't a guarantee after all because losing a wolf doesn't happen often and that Beta Gregory doesn't have a wolf anymore either. Everyone is different, but maybe this forgetfulness is a symptom.

Everyone is happy she is back, and we have an Alpha pup, although I'm not sure how much of her is truly present. Of course, the high-ranking members are aware of her behavior and current condition, including Wendy, Michael, and his great grandfather. I need their help in getting Scarlett back to where she was and if I can't trust my team, I cannot trust anyone. I stopped her sessions with the doctor too who was upset but would not defy his Alpha.

Scarlett: Child of Crescent MoonWhere stories live. Discover now