40. Modifications

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"Rest, child." Those words echo through my ears like a lullaby that encourages me to drift off to a deep sleep because of the calming effect is has on me. I recognized the voice instantly because it belonged to no other than the Moon Goddess, and it assured me that I would be safe in whatever space I was in. Knowing that allowed me to relax enough to disconnect from the waking world and at that moment I didn't care if I truly did hear her voice or if it was just hopeful thinking on my part. So much stress and fatigue was running through my body it further encouraged me not to fight falling into a slumber.

I am uninhibited in this moment and am floating in space and time, but not in a suffocating way like in the realm of Chaos. I have let go of everything and welcomed the nothingness letting the Goddess, or whoever take the wheel for the time, content with my choice completely. I'm uncertain how much time has passed while I have been resting, but when I open my eyes, I take in the atmosphere around me. I'm in the garden of the Goddess and the soft waves of the lake crash onto the shore like the last time I was here. I don't see her regal lion but thank Goddess I'm not in the realm of Chaos trapped in his suffocating black void.

I begin to question myself on whether going to Carrion City truly was the right thing to do because recalling the bullets flying around me, I am certainly dead right now. Would I be here now if I had not gone there? I don't feel Chaos invading my mind and I can't even hear his voice which should be a positive thing, but I've adapted to tolerate his annoying presence and the thought of being dead doesn't sit well with me either. Recalling how I was shot in the stomach during our mission I begin grab onto its fullness, which concerns me more about my pup. I'm not bleeding or feeling any pain, and I don't feel my pup moving around as I push into myself in an attempt to catch a punch or kick in response. I bite my lip with worry and can imagine my brows are furrowed together when I notice the Goddess and a young-looking man standing in front me. This stranger observes me with a pensive stare causing me to gasp and feel slightly insecure in his presence. They both have such strong, powerful auras it is slightly overwhelming, but he is straight up intimidating whoever he is. I don't recall ever meeting him before, so his menacing attitude is bothersome to me.

"Elijah, stop it, you're frightening her." the Goddess demands from him.

The man nodded at her words in a respectful manner and shrunk back his aura to make me feel more comfortable. At least I'm assuming so because it didn't help a lot, but it was enough I didn't feel my legs would buckle out from beneath me at any given moment. The Moon Goddess informed me that he was her grandson, a demi-god, meaning he was part human from his mother's lineage. I'm very curious as to why I have never met him before today and I feel slightly uneasy about being here this time. I've never heard of a demi-god named Elijah either. Does he not bother coming to our world? Why is he here now?

"I'm sorry I haven't been as present as I'd like to be lately. I know that you've asked for my help many times without a response from me. There are things going on right now and I can send you and you pup back from death just this once. I know Chaos has been bothering you and I have something that will subdue him within you, but I must warn you that there are side effects for what I am able to do for you if you so choose that path. It is also ultimately up to you on removing him from your life. You are stronger than you think."

Of course, I want to be alive along with my pup and the choice is obvious. My life has truly only just begun so I hastily nodded my head yes in agreement to show that I would accept the offer she provided me. It was to her satisfaction it seemed by the relieved grin on her face. It was a different kind of smile, and it made me consider if she would have been unhappy with me if I had said no? I want to go back to Pinewood with my pup although there are some side effects that cannot be determined at this time. Surely, they won't be that terrible. How bad could they possibly be?

Scarlett: Child of Crescent MoonWhere stories live. Discover now