41. Loss and Life

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That man who escorted us into this office announced himself as Lucian DeVille and he knew Phoenix even with his new look and the disguise spell we used. Only strong witches should be able to see through our disguise and the man in front of us is not one, so what is he I wonder. I thought it was weird that Eric's sisters were waiting in the office, obvious by a similar genetic makeup between the three of them. It is to their favor they all look like their mother whoever she is instead of Mason Taylor. A few other beings sat in this dreary office for whatever reason too, but most shockingly Esmerelda was present, which infuriated me beyond belief. She didn't tag along with us for this mission so that is suspicious as hell. What business does she have here?

We managed to save the twins and three other beings that will be coming back with us, but we all know who I'm worried about the most. Max won't stop snarling in my head and it is not because of our injuries but the potential loss of our mate. If she doesn't make it, I'll become feral no doubt, especially knowing how I had been affected in such a negative way during her coma. And what about our pup?

The acquaintance Phoenix had us meet up with beforehand helped us to get out of there but said he wouldn't be able to come back to Pinewood with us. I wouldn't have invited him anyway because from what I can see it looks like he sold us out to the owner of Clover Incorporation. Good riddance to whoever he is. It was a good thing we kept the rest of our team outside of the building, so they could come through for us once we reached the exterior. I carried Scarlett the entire way back to the car and Max can't heal me quickly because the bullets were soaked in wolfsbane or are made of silver most likely. Maybe both. Right now, I don't care and am just trying to get the hell out of dodge and get Scarlett to the hospital as soon as possible.

So much for trying to be inconspicuous and fuck this Prius. What a bullshit ride. I can't even lay her across the seat and she's a tiny person. Max is giving me a headache with all his howling and although I'm able to sympathize with him I wish he would shut up already because I'm doing the best I can. Neither of us can fix this right now and he needs to chill until the doctor can look her over and stop all this bleeding. Why isn't her wolf healing her? The bullets must be soaked in wolfsbane because she is immune to silver. I'm trying my hardest not to snap and wolf out on anyone and the drive back has been unbearable despite how fast Peter pushes on the accelerator.

Peter is crying as he grips the steering wheel with white knuckles, and I honestly don't even know how he can see the road through his tears. We lost Brian in the fight and that wolf has been his ride or die since they began warrior training together. I know they weren't mates, but they were as close as brothers and a familial loss is hard on a wolf too. I'm sympathizing with him the best I can because my mate and pup are hurt and there is nothing, I can do about it. I hope that bullet missed anything vital, and our daughter will survive, but Scarlett is bleeding so much. She passed out, so talking her through this isn't an option either. I'm holding her close and tight as we race back to the territory already informing the doctor to be waiting for our arrival. I'm praying to the Goddess everything will be alright and that Scarlett can feel me through all of this with the hope it will give her strength.

We cross back into Pinewood territory, and I don't even let the car come to a complete stop before jumping out and running inside the hospital doors with Scarlett in tow. There are doctors waiting for me in the operating room when I arrive and as soon as I place Scarlett on the table, they get to work to save their Luna's life. As her Alpha and mate, I am determined to stay by her side and protest against them telling me to wait outside, but a nurse grabs my arm and chants something into my ear that calms my nerves some as she leads me out of the operating room into the waiting area.

The nurse is a witch and respects my authority as her Alpha but makes it clear that I'm to wait until the doctors are complete with their work, so they don't feel stressed from the pressure of my presence. They knew better than to send a werewolf nurse to escort me out because they would faulter under my aura, even if I wasn't intending to be an asshole. I just want to be near my mate.

These eight hours have been so stressful as I wait for anyone to come out and update me on how she is doing. Our bond is there, and it feels weak, almost as if she's dead and gone. I refuse to believe that though and keep trying to reign in my anger. Goddess, what are they doing in there! Mark sits by my side for support and leaves occasionally to take of care of our people and other pack matters. I need to remember to give him a raise for all the hard work he has done in my place. I haven't exactly been a present Alpha as much as I should be with the number of things going on within our own pack and our entire world. I didn't even have to ask him to step in and he has a family of his own to be there for too.

If I didn't already hate Eric Taylor/Phoenix Alba before, I sure as hell do now. I'm beyond livid about this whole situation and Scarlett wouldn't have been in Carrion City if it weren't for him. Why the hell did I allow Scarlett to convince me into letting her go on this insane mission in the first place. I knew it was too risky and yet here we are waiting for our Luna to recover after scrambling to exit the craziness in one piece as bullets flew around us. Why does she seem to do everything for him that's what I want to know.

This was her calling she said, Goddess, please. I huff in anger just thinking about everything. Max hasn't ceased with his incessant whining, and I've had it up to hear listening to him only I'm too stressed and hurt myself to block him out entirely. I made the medical team attend to my wounds while I sat in this waiting room. They removed the bullets, and I will have a scar across my chest from the silver that made it through my chest and luckily missing my heart. Although if Scar doesn't make it, I would rather be dead than live without her.


The same nurse that ushered me out of the operating room stands before me and utters a soft follow me while walking away. Thank Goddess for werewolf hearing or I may not have been able to hear her. I stand up immediately following her to an office where she tells me to wait for the doctor. This chair I'm in is so uncomfortable it must not be meant for guests. I stare at the clock on the wall watching the second needle tick by until the lead doctor arrives. The look on his face is undecipherable and this anticipation is killing me, but he speaks without me having to prompt him. With a shaky voice he prepares me for the news I've been waiting to hear, which I'm thankful for. With a shaky voice he prepares me for the news I've been waiting to hear for what feels like a million years.

"The Luna and heir are fine and doing well in recovery. I'll take them to you shortly, I just want to let you know that Scarlett will never be able to have another child and we haven't been able to reach her wolf, but perhaps she just needs more time to rest."

I'm too consumed with happiness that my mate and child are okay that I don't even care we will never be able to have another pup. The doctor explained to me that they had to take her uterus out and she will be in recovery for some time because her wolf isn't healing her, but she will be fine along with our pup who is resting in the nursery.

"I hope Savvy wakes up soon too," Max whimpers.

Baby Beatrix has made her debut, and even though she was a few weeks early that should be okay. The doctor didn't have any concern for her being behind or needing extra care for coming into the world premature. I look through the window of the nursery and take a shaky breath. I can't believe my pup is here and a part of me has been extended into the world. Even though I knew she would be here eventually it is still a life changing and scary experience when it actually arrives. She's wrapped in a pink blanket and a large bow is covering her beautiful head. I couldn't be any prouder that she is something Scarlett and I created together or how perfect she is.

Before I realize it, I walk through the nursery doors and am standing beside the bassinet reaching inside of it to pick her up. She wiggles her nose for a moment before settling back to sleep in my arms. Max is purring in my head as we take in her features as we try to decipher who she looks like more between Scarlett and me. Her eyes are closed as her soft breathing relaxes me and her pink pouty lips pucker up every so often while she makes cute little baby sounds. Our family bond has already snapped in place and I mindlink Pinewood that Beatrix has arrived and is as healthy as can be. I hear a few congratulations and barks of happiness from those descended from wolves before placing my block up.

Beatrix is small, but she is mighty. She's an Alpha wolf after all and I know that she is destined to do great things when she becomes the next Alpha. I pray to the Goddess I'm able to make this world a better and safer place for her to grow up in and that she has the strength and wisdom to be a great leader when it is her time to take over.

"Come my little one, let's go meet your amazing and beautiful momma."

Scarlett: Child of Crescent MoonWhere stories live. Discover now