46. End Of The World

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I don't want to leave Scarlett, but she will be in good hands while I'm away. Mark threw a fit about staying behind this time and said Marissa and the gang would be just find in our absence. As an Alpha, he annoyed me with his pouting, but as my bestie I understood his need to fulfill his adrenaline and wolf out. It will be his first mission in a while and he's happy about not being stuck behind a desk. He attends training but he's packed on a few pounds from Marissa's baking giving him the ultimate dad bod and somehow, he's also gained an unlimited supply of dad jokes. He's strong still though and this adventure will be good for him.

I'm not looking forward to the flight because we had to book coach and it will be a long time cramped in a tiny seat, but we are preparing for a fight and to save our world. Well, it is more like an assassination mission for a particular being along with expanding my alliances to other territories across the world. What is happening isn't limited to Pinewood after all and international alliances will benefit everyone. This visit is mostly to expand my alliances, but when we first arrive, we will try to take down our objective, or at least gather more intel on him so we are ahead of his steps instead of vice versa. He's over Lucian Deville, which means he is the one calling the shots.

Alec and Avril gave us insider information that the head honcho over Clover Incorporated would be there and I'm still trying to wrap my head abound the fact he is demi-god named Elijah who also happens to be the grandson of Eden and Helios. I've never heard of him before and Avril and this guy have some beef it seems, but she doesn't like any of the deities by the way she speaks about them anyway. She's had a troubled past that I don't pry into, and she's proven herself to be a great asset and addition to the Pinewood family. Our warriors have gained so much strength because of her and if she wants some privacy, I can respect that.

I wash shook to find out she was a Nephilim, and that Alec was an angel because nobody I know has seen one before. She's the only one of her kind now though and crossing her path wouldn't happen unless she wanted you to meet. I'm not afraid of her even though she could kick my ass to the moon and back, but I do let her know not to tell Scarlett too much information because of her condition. Alec pisses me off too when he touches Scarlett. I know it isn't in a romantic way but just because he's an angel doesn't give him a free pass. She's my mate and I'm not interested in sharing and I'm certain I know what is best for her.

This Elijah guy supposedly has a kid too that nobody has seen, nor do they know his name, but it is hard to find someone without a trace of their existence etched into the world. Nobody even knows who he slept with to make this child. I haven't even heard of Elijah before, so he truly seems unremarkable in my opinion. I wouldn't have believed anything her and Alec said but he showed me his wings and those things are massive. I won't admit I'm a little impressed though. They span about seven feet in diameter, and I don't know how he tucks them in so well because of their size but he makes it look easy and that angels on earth is no big deal.

Wendy and Michael used some magic to conceal our weapons so there wouldn't be an issue getting them on to the plane. Speaking of weapons, Alec brought some cool guns and grenades with him that are custom made. He says they are meant to kill demons and can take out other species too. The bullets are a weird highlighter green color with a marble looking effect. When I ask him what they are made of he just shrugs and says he'll have to ask his brother who no one has met yet.

Goddess, I can't wait for this flight to be over. I don't know how many more mediocre bottles of water and mini bags of pretzels I can take. Max and I need real food and so do the other wolves coming along with me. I'm a full-grown wolf and this shit is for the birds.

Finally, the flight attendant voices over the speaker to clasp our seatbelts and ensure our trays are locked and fastened in the upright position to prepare for landing. Thank the Goddess. When we can get off and head to the rental car booth, I swear to the Goddess whatever car Mark rented better not be a fucking Prius or mini cooper or anything I can fit into the palm of my hand or I will personally castrate him. See, this is how bad I need real food I'm having hangry thoughts of harming a friend based on the type of car he was able to rent. I rub my hands down my face in frustration as we head out of the terminal and to the rental car lot.

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