35. The Void

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The excruciating sensation of being electrocuted ends and I slowly open my eyes to take in my surroundings. I'm positioned upright and it feels like I am floating in a pool of nothingness like a lack of gravity is in this place. I look around and there are no other beings or demons, thank Goddess, in sight. I don't feel the need to breathe or move wherever I am and I'm just in existence if that makes sense. It's like a void here where you feel nothing and need nothing to sustain yourself. I feel heavy and light at the same time, but hollower than anything and also as if I'm being suffocated. The atmosphere seems somewhat familiar to me, but it isn't like the Moon Goddess's Garden evident by the lack of color and gravity.

Darkness surrounds me as I remain suspended in the air, and I try to move my arms and legs without success. Why am I stuck? I don't feel Savvy, which scares me. I can't push her forward to help me see this place better and when I attempt to speak with her, I'm met with silence like she doesn't exist. She isn't running around this place as happy as a lark like she did in the garden either. I'm starting to feel sick here and scared with ho the sky is black and has an eerie ambience. The fact that no sign of life seems to be around irks me further. Where am I?

I closed my eyes tightly shut and try to think of the things I enjoy and like to distract me from this place to no avail. As soon as a picture forms in my mind it is taken away and replaced with a cloud of black smoke. I give up after a while and I'm not sure how much time has passed when I hear the echo of soft footsteps approaching me along with some vibrations that are flowing through my body. As much as I try, I cannot turn my head to face whoever is heading my way because it won't move despite the commands, I'm sending to it. Am I dead? Did I not go to the Goddess in the end? Where is my wolf? Surely, this isn't the afterlife we live and die for. I've been a good girl, mostly. Eden where are you?

I'm beginning to have a panic attack thinking I did something wrong to the Goddess when suddenly a dark figure with purple eyes appears in front of me. He looks familiar, I think, or I'm just crazy, but I won't forget his face in the future that is for sure. A malicious smile showing a bright red tongue that he licks over a set of sharp white fangs stands only inches away from my face as he peers at me. He doesn't smell like a vampire like I thought he would from his appearance, or any other species that I've met. What type of being is he? I can both feel and hear my heart rate pick up as fear begins to consume me while he gazes at me with such intensity. He is magnetizing by the pull he has on me and if it weren't for the creepy mouth when he smiled, he could be considered handsome in a way. Luckily this time I haven't peed myself, or at least I don't feel any warmth between my legs.

He finally breaks the silence and introduces himself in a voice that demands both power and respect. He tells me to relax as if he can hear the pounding of my heart as it beats within my chest too. I don't know what's is going on, but I do know that I don't feel safe here. As much as I want to leave this place, I continue to remain frozen in the presence of this ominous god. Chaos. Why can't I get out of here? Where is Eden to come to my rescue? She chose me and gave me her blood so why can't I reach her? Chaos has a hold on me so strongly and he isn't even physically touching me which makes me feel even more helpless and weak.

"You will leave when I allow you to. Welcome to my home Scarlett. I'm sure you'll find your stay enjoyable," as he brushes a calloused hand down my face lifting my chin in his fingertips. The gesture forces me to make eye contact with him while his purple eyes bore into me as if he's reading my soul. Is that even possibly? This whole experience is so uncomfortable, and I'm frightened that he can hear my thoughts because he's been able to answer the words, I haven't spoken out loud. Not that I have a choice to voice anything with the way I feel so crushed and frozen. Where is my wolf counterpart when I need her reassurance and strength? Goddess, I hope she is okay.

"You smell faintly of the Goddess" as he presses his nose into the nape of my neck and proceeds to take a bite out of my shoulder. His teeth are sharp and burn like they are laced with wolfsbane, yet he doesn't remove any flesh when he pulls awake. I feel the drip of warm blood as it begins trickling down my arm and he laps it up with his tongue shortly after with a hum of satisfaction. The numbness I've felt here this entire time dissolves so that I'm able to feel this physical mutilation as he tortures me in what I perceive as a weird and sexual way. It is beyond agonizing to feel this. I hope Liam doesn't feel this pain from me if we are even connected still because I can't pick up our mate bond. This roll coaster of being able to feel and not feel certain things here causes me to question if he's controlling me somehow.

"Hmm, just as sweet too. And yes, I can make you feel anything or nothing at all."

My breath hitches and I'm disgusted as he licks his blood-stained lips in front me. The need to pass out starts to overcome me as tears stream down my face as I wonder if my pup going to be okay. Will this god truly let me leave this place? The questions flash through my mind faster than I can comprehend and come up with an answer. He's so evil only allowing me to feel hurt and pain to the point I'm so dizzy and I don't believe I can take a second more of this. My eyes flutter closed; he shakes me roughly waking me back up telling me it isn't time for me to rest yet. I groan in discomfort as I attempt to compose myself without success. It is futile as I have no strength and am a rag doll in the arms of this mean god.

"Little wolf, I'm surprised the Goddess chose you. I'm commanding you to be unable to tell anyone anything I've told you or of your experience here. I hope you enjoy the game that is coming, and may you find yourself on the winning side if you choose to join me. The demons set everything in motion as planned. You truly are a beautiful creature, what a pity you're a child of the Moon Goddess. By the way, I suggest you keep your daughter safe while you can for her destiny will end with me. Don't forget I will always take what is mine and if you want to you will always have me."

He holds me close as if we are in a lovers embrace humming a tune I don't recognize and teasing me as he places a hand on my lower back with my head resting on his broad shoulder as if this is something we do with one another every day. I'm so confused that I almost believe that I feel tingles like a mate bond, but this thing is not Liam, or my mate. He descends his hands slowly between my legs and huskily breathes into my ear about giving me more pleasure than pain if I give into him. I tense up as he begins to slip a finger inside and shout the word NO as loud as I possibly can.

"As you wish."

Chaos sighs deeply in response to me before grabbing my hand and piercing through my wrist with his sharp thumbnail. He whispers that this is a farewell gift and presses his lips against mine both delicately and with force. I am a limp noodle in his arms and cannot put up a fight regardless how much I want to get away. This feels so wrong and right at the same time, but he isn't Liam. I know that even if I were at my full-strength Chaos is a god, and I don't have that much power even if wolf form to overtake him. I plead for him to let me go so I can go back to my mate.

"I'll be seeing you little wolf."

Suddenly I'm awake and sitting up in a hospital bed blinded by a bright white light while I clutch onto my flat stomach for dear life. My body is covered in beads of sweat and I gasp for air as I try to regulate my breathing, so I calm down. I am in so much pain mentally and physically and to check if it was just a bad dream I look toward my shoulder where he bit into me to see the dried blood caked.

Oh no, it was real.

Liam rushes to my side and the sparks of the bond instantly calm me when I feel his arms around me, but when he asks me what is wrong, I can't produce any words. The experience I just went through was more than real, but to Liam and everyone else it will always remain something I can't talk about because Chaos said I couldn't. I sit in my mate's arms as tears form in my eyes and run down my face at the harsh reality and the secrets I'll forever have to keep if I can't find a way around his command.

He said I would have a daughter and I'm beyond blessed and happy to know we are having a pup, but the need to keep her safe from a terrible fate and this sadistic God overwhelms me. It isn't possible for him to claim a wolf soul, is it? We are meant to have free will are we not? We are meant to have free will are we not? Plus, we are children of the Goddess, so what does he mean?

I reach out to Savvy, and she responds weakly letting me know she's there. Thank the Goddess.

What do you do when you cannot express the words you need to say? Goddess help me.

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