19. Fear and Strength

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"Goddess, if this is my last day to live, please know that I am grateful I was able to stay in the pack I grew up in and to embrace the love of my lifelong crush that reciprocated his feelings to me due to the mate bond you forged between us. If you have bigger plans for me, please give me a sign on how to get back to him and out of this prison" I pray.

I'm mad at myself for sitting by the doorway just to get a break from all the interaction at the ceremony. I should have just gone through the motions and wore those stupid high heels for a couple more hours and I wouldn't be here.

"Stop beating yourself up and remember to keep me a secret for as long as possible we don't need him to know how strong we are, also shut up we aren't going to die, but good job on connecting with our Goddess love" Savvy softly says.

How is she so calm right now and I'm on the verge of having a panic attack and losing it. Ugh, I wish I was as confident as my wolf.

I wasn't shocked when I looked up to see Alpha Mason standing in the doorway of the cell making me curl up into a ball, so I don't have to see him. He is an ugly man with an even uglier wolf and although I'm trying to be brave, I am completely terrified to be in this situation. The warm liquid between my legs lets him know just how scared I am as he sneers at me. How embarrassing and Goddess, he looks truly evil.

I can say that I would rather be facing a school bully right now instead of this huge, menacing man and feral wolf in front of me. I'm so terrified I let out a whimper as he approaches me.

He laughs sinisterly at me and makes me cringe as he strokes the side of my face with his calloused fingers while humming as if he's pleased with himself. He forcefully grabs my chin between his thumb and finger tilting my head up as his nails dig into my cheek, so I have no choice but to look at him. If I had anything left in my bladder, I am certain I would pee on myself again.

"Hello little wolf, I'm so glad you came."

His voice is dark and ominous, and I don't feel welcomed at all. Bile begins to rise in my throat after hearing him explain his plans for me. I don't have any energy or courage to say anything back to him, but he is clearly out of his mind if he thinks I will be staying here and making a pup with his son, Eric.

He leaves me alone after removing the silver chains and smiling after he mentions there aren't any marks on me and how amazing that is. Tears start to fall down my face as I wrap my arms around myself when I hear a scoff in the cell next to mine. I turn my head to see Margaret sitting on her own dirty mattress. She has various bruises and cuts all over her body and looks to be in bad shape and despite her own circumstance contempt still shines in her eyes as she mentions the mate mark on my neck and how undeserving I am to have Liam's mark on me. Before she is able to say anything else I let out a loud growl, shocking her. She is taken aback at first but rolls her eyes as we sit in silence facing away from each other.

It is completely dark in here and I don't know how much time has passed when the door overhead creaks, allowing a sliver of sunlight to reach my cell only for it to be taken away again as the door slams shut against its frame. The owner of these footsteps are lighter than those of Alpha Mason, but I'll find out who is paying a visit soon enough as I see a flicker of a flashlight making its way toward me.

The door of my cell opens, and those light footsteps make their way to me. I see a pair of black biker boots and raise my eyes tracing up a pair of dark denim jeans formed to the physique of Eric standing in front of me holding a tray of food. He sighs as he sets the metal tray down softly and sits down on the floor in front of me paying no mind to how filthy it is. He clears his throat, and it makes me look at his face making eye contact. His demeanor isn't quite friendly, but he isn't radiating malice toward me.

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