Sarah's POV:
The next day, Monica and I are talking at the cafe when the others come in from their softball game with saddened looks.
Monica: "How'd it go?"
Ross: "Well-"
All: "WE WON!"
They all cheer in victory.
Me: "Fantastic! I have one question: How is that possible?"
Joey: "Alan."
Ross: "He was unbelievable. He was like that Bugs Bunny cartoon where Bugs is playing all the positions, right, but instead of Bugs it was first base-Alan, second base-Alan, and so on."
Rachel: "I mean, it was like he made us into a team."
Chandler: "Yep, we sure showed those Hassidic jewelers a thing or two about softball."
Chandler and I high-five while Monica seems uneasy.
Monica: "Can I ask you guys a question? D'you ever think that Alan is maybe sometimes, I don't know, a little too Alan?"
Rachel: "No, that's impossible. You can never be too Alan."
Ross: "Yeah, it's his innate Alan-ness that we adore."
Chandler: "I personally could have a gallon of Alan. Right, sis?"
Me: "Well, he's a nice guy, and I'm happy Monica's happy, but he seems like too much of a crowdpleaser to me. But, Mon, it's not up to us. It's your life, your choices. Whatever you want, we're here for you."
Monica dons a soft smile as she pulls me into a side hug. A few minutes later, Phoebe walks in with a can of soda and quite the story to tell.
Ross: "A thumb?!"
Phoebe nods in confirmation as we all groan in disgust.
Phoebe: "I know! I know, I opened it up and there it was, just floating in there, like this tiny little hitch-hiker!"
Chandler: "Well, maybe it's a contest, y'know? Like, collect all five?"
Phoebe: "Does, um, anyone wanna see?"
All: "No!"
Then, Chandler lights a cigarette, and we all voice our discontent.
Chandler: "Hey, this is so unfair!"
Me: "How is this unfair?"
Chandler: "So I have a flaw! Big deal! Like Joey's constant knuckle-cracking isn't annoying? And Ross, with his over-pronouncing every single word? And Monica, with that snort when she laughs? I mean, what the hell is that thing? I accept all those flaws, why can't you accept me for this?"
An awkward silence follows before Joey speaks up.
Joey: "Does the knuckle cracking bother everybody?"
Me: "Not really. It's more of a quirk. Right, guys?"
Rachel: "Well, I could live without it."
Joey: "Well, is it, like, a little annoying, or is it like when Phoebe chews her hair?"
Phoebe spits her hair out as she's been chewing it this whole time.

New Friends, New Family, New Forever
FanfictionSarah Bing is Chandler's twin sister. She's young, ambitious, and in love with her brother's roommate. She moved to New York briefly before Rachel broke up with Barry, but she's already made herself at home in the little group of friends. How long c...